Swift 会自动释放不再需要的实例以释放资源Swift 通过自动引用计数(ARC)处理实例的内存管理
deinit { // 执行析构过程 }
struct Bank { static var coinsInBank = 10_000 static func vendCoins(var numberOfCoinsToVend: Int) -> Int { numberOfCoinsToVend = min(numberOfCoinsToVend,coinsInBank) coinsInBank -= numberOfCoinsToVend return numberOfCoinsToVend } static func receiveCoins(coins: Int) { coinsInBank += coins } } class Player { var coinsInPurse: Int init(coins: Int) { coinsInPurse = Bank.vendCoins(coins) } func winCoins(coins: Int) { coinsInPurse += Bank.vendCoins(coins) } deinit {//Player实例被销毁时调用 Bank.receiveCoins(coinsInPurse) } } var playerOne: Player? = Player(coins: 100) println("A new player has joined the game with \(playerOne!.coinsInPurse) coins") // 输出 "A new player has joined the game with 100 coins" println("There are now \(Bank.coinsInBank) coins left in the bank") // 输出 "There are now 9900 coins left in the bank" playerOne!.winCoins(2_000) println("PlayerOne won 2000 coins & now has \(playerOne!.coinsInPurse) coins") // 输出 "PlayerOne won 2000 coins & now has 2100 coins" println("The bank now only has \(Bank.coinsInBank) coins left") // 输出 "The bank now only has 7900 coins left" playerOne = nil //置为nil时析构函数被调用 println("PlayerOne has left the game") // 输出 "PlayerOne has left the game" println("The bank now has \(Bank.coinsInBank) coins") // 输出 "The bank now has 10000 coins"原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/swift/326212.html