The flyweight pattern is applied when a number of similar objects all rely on the same set of datavalues. Rather than create a new set of data valued for each of the objects,the flyweight patternshares one set between all of them,minimizing the amount of memory required to store the data andthe amount of work required to create them.
let ss1 = Spreadsheet();
ss1.setValue(Coordinate(col: "A",row: 1),value: 100);
ss1.setValue(Coordinate(col: "J",row: 20),value: 200);
println("SS1 Total: \(");
let ss2 = Spreadsheet();
ss2.setValue(Coordinate(col: "F",row: 10),value: 200);
ss2.setValue(Coordinate(col: "G",row: 23),value: 250);
println("SS2 Total: \(");
println("Cells created: \(1300 + ss1.grid.count + ss2.grid.count)");
func == (lhs: Coordinate,rhs: Coordinate) -> Bool {
return lhs.col == rhs.col && lhs.row == rhs.row;
class Coordinate : Hashable,Printable {
let col:Character;
let row:Int;
init(col:Character,row:Int) {
self.col = col; self.row = row;
var hashValue: Int {
return description.hashValue;
var description: String {
return "\(col)(\row)";
class Cell {
var coordinate:Coordinate;
var value:Int;
init(col:Character,row:Int,val:Int) {
self.coordinate = Coordinate(col: col,row: row);
self.value = val;
class Spreadsheet {
var grid:Flyweight;
init() {
grid = FlyweightFactory.createFlyweight();
func setValue(coord: Coordinate,value:Int) {
grid[coord] = value;
var total:Int {
import Foundation;
protocol Flyweight {
subscript(index:Coordinate) -> Int? { get set };
var total:Int { get };
var count:Int { get };
extension Dictionary {
init(setupFunc:(() -> [(Key,Value)])) {
for item in setupFunc() {
self[item.0] = item.1;
class FlyweightFactory {
class func createFlyweight() -> Flyweight {
return FlyweightImplementation(extrinsic: extrinsicData);
private class var extrinsicData:[Coordinate: Cell] {
get {
struct singletonWrapper {
static let singletonData = Dictionary<Coordinate,Cell> (
setupFunc: {() in
var results = [(Coordinate,Cell)]();
var stringIndex = letters.startIndex;
let rows = 50;
do {
let colLetter = letters[stringIndex];
stringIndex = stringIndex.successor();
for rowIndex in 1 ... rows {
let cell = Cell(col: colLetter,row: rowIndex,
val: rowIndex);
} while (stringIndex != letters.endIndex);
return results;
return singletonWrapper.singletonData;
class FlyweightImplementation : Flyweight {
private let extrinsicData:[Coordinate: Cell];
private var intrinsicData:[Coordinate: Cell];
private let queue:dispatch_queue_t;
private init(extrinsic:[Coordinate: Cell]) {
self.extrinsicData = extrinsic;
self.intrinsicData = Dictionary<Coordinate,Cell>();
self.queue = dispatch_queue_create("dataQ",DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
subscript(key:Coordinate) -> Int? {
get {
var result:Int?;
dispatch_sync(self.queue,{() in
if let cell = self.intrinsicData[key] {
result = cell.value;
} else {
result = self.extrinsicData[key]?.value;
return result;
set (value) {
if (value != nil) {
dispatch_barrier_sync(self.queue,{() in
self.intrinsicData[key] = Cell(col: key.col,
row: key.row,val: value!);
var total:Int {
var result = 0;
dispatch_sync(self.queue,{() in
result = reduce(self.extrinsicData.values,0,{total,cell in
if let intrinsicCell = self.intrinsicData[cell.coordinate] {
return total + intrinsicCell.value;
} else {
return total + cell.value
return result;
var count:Int {
var result = 0;
dispatch_sync(self.queue,{() in
result = self.intrinsicData.count;
return result;