<span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255,255,255);">如果你看到这篇文章,说明你有学IOS开的的强烈愿望。</span>
我很高兴为你讲解我的学习过程。首先,你会问为什么不选择ObjC而是Swift,我想这个问题只有苹果自己知道,我们只有猜。不过从代码结构上来看Swift确实比OC简洁多了,Swift省掉那些OC难以理解的符号,比如NSLog传递消息时是这么写的:NSLog(@"You code in here"); 学过C#的Programmer应该认识这个@,在OC中我不知道怎么理解,所以就不管了。
那么现在我们就开始,yeah!首先,我强烈建议去买台MAC,也就一万左右。当然,如果你和我一样用的是咱们中国人撑起的Windows,你可以和我一样装个虚拟就OK了。我的虚拟机是:VMware Workstation 12.1.0 + OS X EI Capitan 10.11.2,请原谅我是一个强迫症患者,任何软件都要最新的。
关于如何安装XCode 7.2我就不说了,你去AppStore免费下就OK了!
// // main.swift // hello word // // Created by YiSong on 12/10/15. // Copyright © 2015 YiSong. All rights reserved. // import Foundation print("------------Hello Word!-----------\n") // Variable 'number' used before being initialized. var number: Int? var number2: Int = 100 number = 888 print(number) print(number2) /** * End of every statement have a semicolon. */ let mConstant = 9; var mVariable = 1; mVariable = 6; print("Print mVarible and mConstant in string,mVarible:\(mVariable) mConstant:\(mConstant) \n"); /** * End of every statement without semicolon. */ let label = "The width is" let width = 94 let widthLabel = label + " " + String(width) print(label) print(widthLabel + "\n") /** * Create arrays and dictionaries using barckets([]). */ var shoppingList = ["catfish","water","tulips","bulepaint"]; shoppingList[1] = "apple"; print(shoppingList); // you should notice,print() method can output a array. var occupations = [ "Malcolm" : "Captain","Kaylee" : "Mechainc",]; occupations["Kaylee"] = ""; occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations"; print(occupations); print("\n"); /** * Create an empty array or dictionary,use the initializer Syntax. */ var emptyStringArray = [String]() let emptyIntegerArray = [Int]() var emptyDictionary = [String : Double]() emptyStringArray.append("I'm append") print(emptyStringArray) emptyDictionary["price"] = 21.00 print(emptyDictionary) var carList = [] var studentInfo = [:] carList = emptyStringArray print(carList) studentInfo = emptyDictionary print(studentInfo) var optionalString: String? = "hello" print(optionalString == nil) // you should notice,keyword nil is equal to null. var optionalName: String? = "John Applseed" var greeting = "Hello!" if let name = optionalName { greeting = "Hello,\(name)" } print(greeting) let nickName: String? = nil let fullName = "John Appelseed" let infomalGreetin1 = "Hi \(nickName ?? fullName)" let infomalGreetin2 = "Hi \(nickName != nil ? nickName :fullName)" print(infomalGreetin1) print(infomalGreetin2) // switch let vegetable = "red pepper" switch vegetable{ case "celery": print("Add some raisins and make ants on a log.") // case "cucumber","watercress","red pepper": // print("That would make a good tea sandwich.") case let x where x.hasSuffix("pepper"): print("Is it a sicpy \(x)") default:// Switch must be exhaustive,consider adding a default clause. print("Evertthing tastes good in soup.") } let interestingNumbers = [ "Prime" : [2,3,4,5,6,7],"Fibonacci" : [1,1,2,0],"Square" : [3,44,55,2] ] var largest = 0 // for-in for (kind,numbers) in interestingNumbers{ print(kind) print(numbers) for number in numbers{ //print(number) if (number > largest){ largest = number } } } print("The largest number is \(largest)") // while var m = 0 while (m < 0){ m += 1; } print(m) // repeat-while like do-while in other program language. var n = 0; repeat{ n += 1; }while n < 0 print(n) // using ..< to make a range. var sum = 0 for i in 0..<10 { sum += i } print(sum) sum = 0 for (var i = 0; i<10 ;i++) { sum += i } print(sum) // use func to declare a function. use -> to separate the parameter names and types from the function's return type. func greet(name : String,age : Int) -> String{ return "Hello \(name),your age is \(age)" } print(greet("YiSong",age: 22)) // use a truple to make a compound value - for example,to return multiple values from a function. The elements of a tuple can be rither by name or by number. func calculateStatistics(scores : [Int]) -> (min : Int,max : Int,sum : Int,average: Float){ var min = scores[0] var max = scores[0] var sum = 0 var average: Float for score in scores{ if score < min{ min = score } if score > max{ max = score } sum += score } average = Float(sum)/Float(scores.count) return (min,max,sum,average) } // print(calculateStatistics([66,78,90,45,70,98,88,69,58])) let statistics = calculateStatistics([66,58]) print("min score: \(statistics.min),max score: \(statistics.1),sum score:\(statistics.sum),average score:\(statistics.average))") // Functions can also take a variable number of argument,collecting them into an array func sumOf (numbers: Int...) -> Int{ var sum = 0 for number in numbers{ sum += number } return sum } print(sumOf()) print(sumOf(23,56,67,90)) // functions are first-class type. This means that a funxtion can return another function as its value. func makeIncrementer() -> ((Int) -> Int){ func addOne(number: Int) -> Int{ return number + 1; } return addOne } print(makeIncrementer()(8)) // A function can take another function as one of its arguments. func hasAnyMatches(list: [Int],condition: (Int) -> Bool) -> (isMatche: Bool,list: [Int]){ var isMatche: Bool = false var lessThanTenList: [Int] = [] for item in list{ if condition(item){ isMatche = true lessThanTenList.append(item) } } return (isMatche,lessThanTenList) } func lessThanTen(number: Int) -> Bool{ return number < 10 } var result = hasAnyMatches([20,34,12],condition: lessThanTen) print(result.isMatche) print(result.list) // closure var numbers = [22,33,55] print(numbers.map({ (number: Int) -> Int in let result = 3 * number return result })) print(numbers.map({ number in 3 * number})) // rewrite the closure to return zero for odd numbers func isOddNumber(number: Int) -> Bool{ return number % 2 == 0 ? false : true } print(numbers.map({ (number: Int) -> Int in if isOddNumber(number){ return 0 }else{ return number } })) //When a closure is the only argument to a function,you can omit the parentheses entirely. print(numbers.sort{ $0 > $1})