class LightBulb { static var maxPower:Int = 30 // 最大功率 var currentPower:Int = 0 { willSet(newCurrentPower){ // 将要赋值(括号里的是新值,也可以不填,直接用newValue) print("the power is change \(abs(newCurrentPower - currentPower))") } didSet(oldCurrentPower) { // 已经赋值(括号里的是旧值,也可以不填,直接用oldValue) if currentPower == LightBulb.maxPower { print("Pay attention,the current power go to The highest power") } else if currentPower > LightBulb.maxPower { print("Pay attention,the current power More than the highest power") currentPower = oldCurrentPower // 附上旧值 } print("the current power is \(currentPower)") } } } var lightBulb = LightBulb() lightBulb.currentPower = 20 lightBulb.currentPower = 30 lightBulb.currentPower = 40
the power is change 20
the current power is 20
the power is change 10
Pay attention,the current power go to The highest power
the current power is 30
the power is change 10
Pay attention,the current power More than the highest power
the current power is 30
class LightBulb { static var maxPower:Int = 30 // 最大功率 var currentPower:Int = 0 { willSet(newCurrentPower){ // 将要赋值(括号里的是新值,the current power More than the highest power") currentPower = oldCurrentPower // 附上旧值 } print("the current power is \(currentPower)") } } init(currentPower: Int) { self.currentPower = currentPower } } var lightBulb2 = LightBulb(currentPower: 20)