1 准备图标
2 修改info.plist
源码显示info.plist,文件右键,open as -> source code
3 代码实现
if #available(iOS 10.3,*) { UIApplication.shared.setAlternateIconName("beaconIcon",completionHandler: { (Error) in if(Error != nil){ print("error:" + Error.debugDescription); } else{ print("ok"); } }) } else{ print("版本低"); }
4 问题总结
1 按照以上步骤做,如果提示文件不存在,则检查资源文件中的Applcon是否有图片
error:Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "该文件不存在。" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600000259a10 {Error Domain=LSApplicationWorkspaceErrorDomain Code=-105 "iconName not found in CFBundleAlternateIcons entry" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=iconName not found in CFBundleAlternateIcons entry}}})
2 当打包上传时又出现问题ITMS-90023,出现以下错误,我的app用在ipad上,需要图片76x76,和152x152像素的图片,解决方法是向项目里添加2张图片,只要像素是76x76,152x152即可,图片名称没有要求,自定义即可,如下图所示
3 问题2的后续问题
按照问题2可以成功上传到app store,但是它又给我发邮件说还是缺少图片,也就是说问题2还是没解决,进入itunes里看,还是没有构建的版本,也就是说问题2没有解决,正在解决中,请稍后,如果有新的方法求告知,我现在在info.plist里添加文件说明试试,正在实践中..............
Image Size (px) |
File Name | Used For | App Store | Ad Hoc | ||||||||||||||||
512x512 |
iTunesArtwork | Ad Hoc iTunes | Do not include | Optional but recommended | ||||||||||||||||
1024x1024 | iTunesArtwork@2x | Ad Hoc iTunes on devices with retina display | 76x76 | Icon-76.png | Home screen on iPad | required | required | |||||||||||||
152x152 | Icon-76@2x.png | Home screen on iPad with retina display | Optional but recommended | 167x167 | Icon-83.5@2x.png | Home screen on iPad Pro | 40x40 | Icon-Small-40.png | Spotlight | 80x80 | Icon-Small-40@2x.png | Spotlight on devices with retina display | 29x29 | Icon-Small.png | Settings | Recommended if you have a Settings bundle,otherwise optional but recommended | 58x58 | Icon-Small@2x.png | Settings on devices with retina display | |