在重新审视似乎与Xcode6 beta 5一起使用的代码时,我注意到我得到一个“无法转换表达式的类型”[AnyObject]?为此行键入“NSArray”错误:
let textFields:NSArray = loginAlert.textFields as NSArray
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) { if PFUser.currentUser() == nil{ var loginAlert:UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "Sign Up / Login",message: "Please sign up or login",preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert) loginAlert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler({ textfield in textfield.placeholder = "Your username" }) loginAlert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler({ textfield in textfield.placeholder = "Your password" textfield.secureTextEntry = true }) loginAlert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Login",style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default,handler: { alertAction in let textFields:NSArray = loginAlert.textFields as NSArray let usernameTextfield:UITextField = textFields.objectAtIndex(0) as UITextField let passwordTextfield:UITextField = textFields.objectAtIndex(1) as UITextField })) }
“Cannot convert the expression’s type ‘[AnyObject]?’ to type ‘NSArray'”
听起来像loginAlert.textFields被定义为可选,可能是零,因此如果你确定它不是零 – 首先使用!打开它:
loginAlert.textFields as AnyObject! as NSArray
loginAlert.textFields! as NSArray
var temp:Array<String>? // define Optional array temp = Array<String>() // well,we create new Array but since its optional we need set "!" each time during manipulation temp!.append("val1") // 1st off we unwrap it and add new value var newArray = temp as AnyObject! as Array<String> // to downcast to Array<String>,we unwrap it with AnyObject! first