我正在为一个有断言的方法编写单元测试。 “Swift语言指南”建议对“无效条件”使用断言:
Assertions cause your app to terminate and are not a substitute for
designing your code in such a way that invalid conditions are unlikely
to arise. Nonetheless,in situations where invalid conditions are
possible,an assertion is an effective way to ensure that such
conditions are highlighted and noticed during development,before your
app is published.
根据@ RobNapier的建议,我尝试将XCTAssertThrows包装在Objective-C方法中,并从Swift中调用此方法。这不起作用,因为宏不能捕获由断言引起的致命错误,因此测试崩溃。
func assert(@autoclosure condition: () -> Bool,@autoclosure _ message: () -> String = "",file: StaticString = __FILE__,line: UInt = __LINE__) { assertClosure(condition(),message(),file,line) } var assertClosure: (Bool,String,StaticString,UInt) -> () = defaultAssertClosure let defaultAssertClosure = {Swift.assert($0,$1,file: $2,line: $3)}
extension XCTestCase { func expectAssertFail(expectedMessage: String,testcase: () -> Void) { // arrange var wasCalled = false var assertionCondition: Bool? = nil var assertionMessage: String? = nil assertClosure = { condition,message,_,_ in assertionCondition = condition assertionMessage = message wasCalled = true } // act testcase() // assert XCTAssertTrue(wasCalled,"assert() was never called") XCTAssertFalse(assertionCondition!,"Expected false to be passed to the assert") XCTAssertEqual(assertionMessage,expectedMessage) // clean up assertClosure = defaultAssertClosure } }