guard let keypath = dictionary["field"] as? String,let rule = dictionary["rule"] as? String,let comparator = FormFieldDisplayRuleComparator(rawValue: rule),let value = dictionary["value"] else { return nil }
guard let keypath = dictionary["field"] as? String else { print("Keypath Failed to load.") self.init() return nil } guard let rule = dictionary["rule"] as? String else { print("Rule Failed to load.") self.init() return nil } guard let comparator = FormFieldDisplayRuleComparator(rawValue: rule) else { print("Comparator Failed to load for rawValue: \(rule)") self.init() return nil } guard let value = dictionary["value"] else { print("Value Failed to load.") self.init() return nil }
guard let keypath = dictionary["field"] as? String,let value = dictionary["value"] else { if let keypath = keypath {} else { print("Keypath Failed to load.") } // ... Repeat for each let... return nil }
Erica Sadun刚刚写了一篇关于这个话题的好文章.
func diagnose(file: String = #file,line: Int = #line) -> Bool { print("Testing \(file):\(line)") return true } // ... let dictionary: [String : AnyObject] = [ "one" : "one" "two" : "two" "three" : 3 ] guard // This line will print the file and line number let one = dictionary["one"] as? String where diagnose(),// This line will print the file and line number let two = dictionary["two"] as? String where diagnose(),// This line will NOT be printed. So it is the one that Failed. let three = dictionary["three"] as? String where diagnose() else { // ... }