extension Collection { var flatCount: Int { if self.count == 0 { return 0 } else if self.first is Collection { // .Iterator.Element: Collection return self.reduce(0) { (res,elem) -> Int in res + (elem as! Collection).flatCount // ERROR } } else { return self.reduce(0) { (res,_) in res + 1 } } } }
extension Collection { var flatCount: Int { return Self.flatCountH(self) } private static final func flatCountH<C: Collection,D>(_ c: C) -> Int where Iterator.Element == D,D: Collection { return c.reduce(0) { (res: Int,elem: D) -> Int in (res + elem.flatCount) as Int // Ambiguous type } } private static final func flatCountH<C: Collection>(_ c: C) -> Int { return c.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.flatCount } // Unable to infer closure type } }
extension Collection { var flatCount: Int { // There's no count on Collection,so... return self.reduce(0) { (res,_) in res + 1 } } } extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Collection { var flatCount: Int { return self.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.flatCount } } }
现在这个编译 – 耶! – 但调度已关闭:$1.flatCount不绑定到第二个递归版本,但总是绑定到第一个普通版本.也就是说,flatCount仅计算第一个嵌套级别.
self.reduce(0) { $0 + 1 }
因为那不编译;在这里,$0是两个匿名参数!我认为这是不必要的令人惊讶的行为,并将a change request发布到Swift bugtracker.
extension Collection { var flatCount: IndexDistance { return count } } extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Collection { var flatCount: IndexDistance { // compiler error: unable to infer closure type in the current context // (if you expand it out,it will tell you that it's because // $1.flatCount is ambiguous) return self.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.flatCount } } }
但是,这会产生一个编译器错误(虽然为什么它不适用于flatCount是Int时,我不知道 – 它们应该是一致编译还是不编译).问题是Swift想要静态调度$1.flatCount – 因此意味着它只能选择一个要调用的扩展(在这种情况下,编译器认为两者同样有效).
但是,目前专业化只是一种优化(由于它有可能在不使用内联来抵消这种额外成本的情况下大幅膨胀代码大小) – 因此不可能保证静态分派对所有情况都有效.
即使$1.flatCount能够动态调度,例如通过protocol witness table(参见this great WWDC talk),基于扩展的类型约束的重载解析需要在运行时进行(以确定调用哪个扩展) ).但是,Swift不会在运行时解决重载(这会很昂贵).相反,重载本身在编译时被解析,然后动态调度允许该重载的实现相对于它被调用的值是多态的(即它可以调度到值的自身的重载实现).
extension Array { var flatCount: Int { var iterator = makeIterator() if let first = iterator.next() as? [Any] { // must be an array of arrays – otherwise $1 as! [Any] will crash. // feel free to add error handling or adding support for heterogeneous arrays // by doing an O(n) walk. return iterator.reduce(first.flatCount) { $0 + ($1 as! [Any]).flatCount } } else { return count } } } let arr = [[[[2,3,4]],[3,4,5,6]],[57,89]] print(arr.flatCount) // 9
虽然注意在下面的注释中作为@MartinR points out,转换为(?/!)[Any]将在大多数情况下创建一个新数组(由于Swift存储具体类型和抽象类型值的方式不同 – 见this Q&A),以上实施不是特别有效.
// dummy protocol to prevent conversions of arrays with concrete-typed elements to [Any]. protocol _Array { var flatCount: Int { get } } extension Array : _Array { var flatCount: Int { var iterator = makeIterator() if let first = iterator.next() as? _Array { // same comment as above,can crash for heterogeneous arrays. return iterator.reduce(first.flatCount) { $0 + ($1 as! _Array).flatCount } } else { return count } } }
如果我们使用数组对两个实现(在MacBook Pro上的Release版本中)进行粗略的快速基准测试:
let arr = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 1,count: 100),count: 1000)