public struct Array<Element> : RandomAccessCollection,MutableCollection { public func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult] }
let albums = ["Fearless",nil,"Speak Now","Red"] let result = albums.flatMap { $0 } type(of: result) // Array<String>.Type
这里ElementOfResult变成String,为什么不是String? ?泛型类型系统如何从表达式中删除Optional部分?
因此,在这种情况下flatMap(_ :)返回[String].
在内部,这个转换是从闭包返回的ElementOfResult?通过有条件地展开可选项来完成ElementOfResult,如果成功,则将未展开的值附加到结果中.你可以看到exact implementation here.
作为附录,请注意as Martin points out,闭包只有在单语句闭包时才会参与类型推断(见this related bug report).其原因是Jordan Rose in this mailing list discussion:
Swift’s type inference is currently statement-oriented,so there’s no easy way to do [multiple-statement closure] inference. This is at least partly a compilation-time concern: Swift’s type system allows many more possible conversions than,say,Haskell or OCaml,so solving the types for an entire multi-statement function is not a trivial problem,possibly not a tractable problem.
这意味着对于具有多个语句的闭包,这些语句传递给map(_ :)或flatMap(_ :)(其中结果类型是通用占位符)等方法,您必须显式地注释闭包的返回类型,或方法返回自己.
// error: Unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate. let result = albums.flatMap { print($0 as Any) return $0 }
// explicitly annotate [ElementOfResult] to be [String] – thus ElementOfResult == String. let result: [String] = albums.flatMap { print($0 as Any) return $0 }
// explicitly annotate ElementOfResult? to be String? – thus ElementOfResult == String. let result = albums.flatMap { element -> String? in print(element as Any) return element }