- protocol EuclideanPoint {
- func distance(other: Self) -> Double
- func dimension() -> UInt
- }
- extension [Float]: EuclideanPoint {
- func distance(other: [Float]) {
- return Double(zip(self,other).map{a,b in pow(a-b,2)}.reduce(0,combine: +))
- }
- func dimension() {
- return UInt(self.count)
- }
- }
error: constrained extension must be declared on the unspecialized generic type ‘Array’ with constraints specified by a ‘where’ clause
我发现了类似的问题(如this),但建议的解决方案是使用扩展CollectionType,其中Generator.Element == S {…},但在此上下文中它会导致错误:
error: protocol ‘CollectionType’ can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
- protocol DoubleConvertibleType {
- var doubleValue: Double { get }
- }
- extension Double : DoubleConvertibleType { var doubleValue: Double { return self } }
- extension Float : DoubleConvertibleType { var doubleValue: Double { return Double(self) } }
- extension CGFloat: DoubleConvertibleType { var doubleValue: Double { return Double(self) } }
- extension Array where Element : DoubleConvertibleType {
- func distance(other: Array) -> Double {
- return Double(zip(self,other).map{ pow($0.0.doubleValue - $0.1.doubleValue,2) }.reduce(0,combine: +))
- }
- func dimension() -> UInt {
- return UInt(self.count)
- }
- }
给[Double]和[Float] .distance()和.dimension()方法.然而,[Double]或[Float]不能用来代替符合EuclideanPoint协议所需的东西,产生错误:
error: type ‘[Double]’ does not conform to protocol ‘EuclideanPoint’
>您可以将我们的函数编程技术(例如.map和.reduce)保留在此特定应用程序之外,并且只关注实现“欧几里德协议采用的通用数组”. Swift中的这些.map,.reduce等功能确实很简洁实用,但在许多应用程序中只是for-hood-for循环的包装器,所以你不会因为手动命令式的风格而失去任何性能.事实上,已知.reduce由于重复的数组复制分配而执行非常不可选的,同时减少了数组(我不会在这里更多地介绍……).无论如何,也许你可以利用我的例子并将其调整回更具功能性的范例.
- /* Used as type constraint for Generator.Element */
- protocol MyTypes {
- func -(lhs: Self,rhs: Self) -> Self
- func +=(inout lhs: Self,rhs: Self)
- }
- extension Int : MyTypes { }
- extension Double : MyTypes { }
- extension Float : MyTypes { }
- /* Extend with the types you wish to be covered by the generic ... */
- /* Used as extension to Array : blueprints for extension method
- to Array where Generator.Element are constrainted to MyTypes */
- protocol EuclideanPoint {
- func distance<T: MyTypes> (other: [T]) -> Double?
- func dimension() -> UInt
- }
请注意,我已将Double返回距离更改为可选;您可以按照自己的意愿处理,但如果自身和其他数组的长度不同,或Self和[T]类型不同,则需要显示不符合 – 我将在此处使用nil.
- /* Array extension by EuclideanPoint protocol */
- extension Array : EuclideanPoint {
- func distance<T: MyTypes> (other: [T]) -> Double? {
- /* [T] is Self? proceed,otherwise return nil */
- if let a = self.first {
- if a is T && self.count == other.count {
- var mySum: Double = 0.0
- for (i,sElement) in self.enumerate() {
- mySum += pow(((sElement as! T) - other[i]) as! Double,2)
- }
- return sqrt(mySum)
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- func dimension() -> UInt {
- return UInt(self.count)
- }
- }
- /* Tests and Examples */
- let arr1d : [Double] = [3.0,4.0,0.0]
- let arr2d : [Double] = [-3.0,-4.0,0.0]
- let arr3d : [Double] = [-3.0,-4.0]
- let arr1f : [Float] = [-3.0,0.0]
- let arr1i = [1,2,3]
- let _a = arr1d.dimension() // 3,OK
- let _b = arr1d.distance(arr2d) // 10,OK (A->B dist)
- let _c = arr1d.distance(arr1f) // nil (Incomp. types)
- let _d = arr1d.distance(arr3d) // nil (Incomp. sizes)
- let _e = arr1i.distance(arr1d) // nil (Incomp. types)
- /* for use in function calls: generic array parameters constrained to
- those that conform to protocol 'EuclidianPoint',as requested */
- func bar<T: MyTypes,U: protocol<EuclideanPoint,_ArrayType> where U.Generator.Element == T> (arr1: U,_ arr2: U) -> Double? {
- // ...
- return arr1.distance(Array(arr2))
- /* We'll need to explicitly tell the distance function
- here that we're sending an array,by initializing an
- array using the Array(..) initializer */
- }
- let myDist = bar(arr1d,arr2d) // 10,OK
> Extending typed array by conforming to a protocol in Swift 2