a great Objective-C solution,以实现SKAction对象的串行排队机制.我在自己的Swift项目中成功实现了这一点.
import SpriteKit class ActionOperation : NSOperation { let _node: SKNode // The sprite node on which an action is to be performed let _action: SKAction // The action to perform on the sprite node var _finished = false // Our read-write mirror of the super's read-only finished property var _executing = false // Our read-write mirror of the super's read-only executing property /// Override read-only superclass property as read-write. override var executing: Bool { get { return _executing } set { willChangeValueForKey("isExecuting") _executing = newValue didChangeValueForKey("isExecuting") } } /// Override read-only superclass property as read-write. override var finished: Bool { get { return _finished } set { willChangeValueForKey("isFinished") _finished = newValue didChangeValueForKey("isFinished") } } /// Save off node and associated action for when it's time to run the action via start(). init(node: SKNode,action: SKAction) { // This is equiv to ObjC: // - (instancetype)initWithNode(SKNode *)node (SKAction *)action // See "Exposing Swift Interfaces in Objective-C" at _node = node _action = action super.init() } /// Add the node action to the main operation queue. override func start() { if cancelled { finished = true return } executing = true NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock { self._node.runAction(self._action) { self.executing = false self.finished = true } } } }
var operationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1; // disallow follow actions from overlapping one another
operationQueue.addOperation(ActionOperation(node: mySKNode,action: mySKAction))
operationQueue.cancelAllOperations() // this renders the queue unusable; you will need to recreate it if needing to queue anymore actions
the document:
In your custom implementation,you must generate KVO notifications for the
key path whenever the execution state of your operation object changes.
In your custom implementation,you must generate KVO notifications for the
key path whenever the finished state of your operation object changes.
override var executing:Bool { get { return _executing } set { willChangeValueForKey("isExecuting") _executing = newValue didChangeValueForKey("isExecuting") } } override var finished:Bool { get { return _finished } set { willChangeValueForKey("isFinished") _finished = newValue didChangeValueForKey("isFinished") } }