var Circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 40) Circle.position = CGPointMake(500,500) Circle.name = "defaultCircle" Circle.strokeColor = SKColor.blackColor() Circle.glowWidth = 10.0 Circle.fillColor = SKColor.yellowColor() Circle.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: 40) Circle.physicsBody?.dynamic = true //.physicsBody?.dynamic = true self.addChild(Circle)
func oneLittleCircle(){ var Circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 100 ) // Size of Circle Circle.position = CGPointMake(frame.midX,frame.midY) //Middle of Screen Circle.strokeColor = SKColor.blackColor() Circle.glowWidth = 1.0 Circle.fillColor = SKColor.orangeColor() self.addChild(Circle) }
您可以用下面的代码替换默认的iOS SpriteKit Project“GameScene.swift”代码.
// // Draw Circle At Touch .swift // Replace GameScene.swift in the Default SpriteKit Project,with this code. import SpriteKit class GameScene: SKScene { override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) { /* Setup your scene here */ scene?.backgroundColor = SKColor.whiteColor() //background color to white } override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet,withEvent event: UIEvent) { /* Called when a touch begins */ for touch: AnyObject in touches { let location = touch.locationInNode(self) makeCirlceInPosition(location) // Call makeCircleInPostion,send touch location. } } // Where the Magic Happens! func makeCirlceInPosition(location: CGPoint){ var Circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 70 ) // Size of Circle = Radius setting. Circle.position = location //touch location passed from touchesBegan. Circle.name = "defaultCircle" Circle.strokeColor = SKColor.blackColor() Circle.glowWidth = 1.0 Circle.fillColor = SKColor.clearColor() self.addChild(Circle) } override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) { /* Called before each frame is rendered */ }}