swift – 相对于其父级,SKNode的位置?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了swift – 相对于其父级,SKNode的位置?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

我的场景中有两个父SKNode,其zPosition为1(node1)和2(node2).我想要实现的是node2应始终分层ABOVE node1.但不幸的是,node1的子节点(其zPosition为1-50)都位于node2的子节点之上(当前没有zPosition).有没有办法解决这个问题(除了给node2一个超过50的zPosition)?也许是某种布尔参数来设置所有子节点的zPosition相对于它的父节点?任何帮助将不胜感激!


> node1:SKNode(zPosition 1)

> child1:SKNode(zPosition 1)
> child2:SKNode(zPosition 2)
> child3:SKNode(zPosition 3)
> ……
> child50:SKNode(zPosition 50)

> node2:SKNode(zPosition 2)

> child1:SKLabelNode(没有zPosition)
> child2:SKLabelNode(没有zPosition)
> child3:SKLabelNode(没有zPosition)
> ……
> child50:SKLabelNode(没有zPosition)


import SpriteKit

class GameScene: SKScene {

    let gameNode = SKNode()
    let node1 = SKNode()
    let node2 = SKNode()

    let nodeSize:CGFloat = 50.0
    let spacing:CGFloat = 5.0

    required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("NSCoder not supported")

    override init(size: CGSize) {
        super.init(size: size)


        node1.name = "node1"
        node2.name = "node2"

        node1.zPosition = 1
        node2.zPosition = 2


        // add children to node1
        for i in 1..<10 {
            let child = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.redColor(),size: CGSize(width: nodeSize,height: nodeSize))
            child.position = CGPointMake((nodeSize + spacing) * CGFloat(i),0)
            child.zPosition = CGFloat(i)

        // add children to node2
        for i in 1..<10 {
            let child = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Avenir Black")
            child.position = CGPoint(x: (nodeSize + spacing) * CGFloat(i),y: 0)
            child.text = "label\(i)"
            child.fontSize = 10
            child.fontColor = UIColor.blackColor()


在阅读有关此内容Apple Documentation时,您可以找到:

Maintaining the order of a node’s children can be a lot of work. Instead,you can give each node an explicit height in the scene. You do this by setting a node’s zPosition property. The z position is the node’s height relative to its parent node,much as a node’s position property represents its x and y position relative to parent’s position. So you use the z position to place a node above or below the parent’s position.

When you take z positions into account,here is how the node tree is

  • Each node’s global z position is calculated.
  • Nodes are drawn in order from smallest z value to largest z value.
  • If two nodes share the same z value,ancestors are rendered first,and siblings are rendered in child order.

我发现 – 我不知道它是这样的 – 是孩子zPosition计算总结他们的父母zPosition,所以如果node1.zPosition(node1的)child3.zPosition = 4,和node2.zPosition(node2的)child3 .zPosition = 3,node1的孩子将被涂在上面.

解决方案:将node2.zPosition设置为大于(node1)的lastChild.zPosition node1.zPosition.

