项目需要在另外一个线程扫描数据并插入数据到数据库中,一条一条插的话时间太慢,于是考虑到用sqlite的事务来进行提交,但是ContentProvider并没有提供用于事务的API给上层,下面是我在网上找到的使用ContentProvider来进行sqlite transation的另一种方法。
原文地址: http://eshyu.wordpress.com/2010/08/15/using-sqlite-transactions-with-your-contentprovider/
Using sqlite Transactions with yourContentProvider
In the world of databases,a transaction is a unit of work (including insertions,deletions,updates) that is Atomic,Consistent,Isolated,and Durable. By default in sqlite,each insertion is a transaction. And to preserve data integrity,sqlite will wait until data is stored on the disk before completing the transaction. So if you have a large data set that you’re trying to insert into your database,inserting each piece individually is going to seem extremely slow.
You want to use transactions,not just because they will increase the performance of your database operations. Because transactions are atomic,they will help you ensure your database is consistent. For example,if you need to process a large batch of instructions,then either everything happened correctly,or if something went wrong then that whole transaction Failed (so it’s all or nothing).
By default the ContentResolver API provides a bulkInsert() method,but its not atomic and its slow as hell,so let’s override the bulkInsert() method in our ContentProvider.
01 |
public class YourProvider extends ContentProvider { |
03 |
public static final int EVENTS = 1 ; |
04 |
public static final int FESTIVITIES = 2 ; |
07 |
private static final UriMatcher sUriMatcher = buildUriMatcher(); |
08 |
private YourDatabase mOpenHelper; |
11 |
* Creates the Uri matcher |
13 |
private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher(){ |
14 |
final UriMatcher matcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); |
15 |
final String authority = YOUR_CONTENT_AUTHORITY; |
18 |
matcher.addURI(authority, "events" ,EVENTS); |
19 |
matcher.addURI(authority, "festivities" ,FESTIVITIES); |
26 |
public boolean onCreate() { |
27 |
mOpenHelper = new YourDatabase(getContext()); |
32 |
public String getType(Uri uri) { |
33 |
final int match = sUriMatcher.match(uri); |
36 |
38 |
41 |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unknown: uri " + uri); |
46 |
public int bulkInsert(Uri uri,ContentValues[] values) { |
47 |
final sqliteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); |
48 |
final int match = sUriMatcher.match(uri); |
52 |
db.beginTransaction(); |
55 |
sqliteStatement insert = |
56 |
db.compileStatement( "insert into " + YOUR TABLE |
57 |
+ "(" + COLUMN1 + "," + COLUMN2 |
59 |
+ " values " + "(?,?,?" ); |
61 |
for (ContentValues value : values){ |
63 |
insert.bindString( 1 ,value.getAsString(COLUMN1)); |
64 |
insert.bindString( 2 ,value.getAsLong(COLUMN2)); |
65 |
insert.bindString( 3 ,value.getAsString(COLUMN3)); |
68 |
db.setTransactionSuccessful(); |
69 |
numInserted = values.length |
76 |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unsupported uri: " + uri); |
So,for each ContentURI you are suppporting (each table in your db),write its respective bulkInsert case as above. And now you will witness an absolutely HUGE increase in performance (for me it cut the bulkInsert() time from 20 seconds to 1),and the return value of the bulkInsert() will now let you know if the transaction was successful or not. Also look here to see the transaction API.