时间单位是C#中的DateTime.ToFileTime() / 1000000000
create table if not exists table_wpp_status( wpp_id integer primary key autoincrement not null,wpp_sn varchar(64) not null,wpp_emp_id varchar(32) not null,wpp_class varchar(32) not null,wpp_state integer default(0),wpp_in_time integer default(0),wpp_out_time integer default(0))
insert into table_wpp_status( wpp_sn,wpp_emp_id,wpp_class,wpp_state,wpp_in_time,wpp_out_time) values ('XBX20091021','Perry1','ABC',129384821,0) insert into table_wpp_status( wpp_sn,wpp_out_time) values ('XBX20091022','Perry2',129384824,wpp_out_time) values ('XBX20091023','Perry3',129384829,wpp_out_time) values ('XBX20091024',129384830,0)
update table_wpp_status set wpp_state = 1,wpp_out_time = 129384848 where wpp_sn='XBX20091022' and wpp_class='ABC' and wpp_state = 0 update table_wpp_status set wpp_state = 1,wpp_out_time = 129384848 where wpp_sn='XBX20091023' and wpp_class='ABC' and wpp_state = 0 update table_wpp_status set wpp_state = 1,wpp_out_time = 129384848 where wpp_sn='XBX20091024' and wpp_class='ABC' and wpp_state = 0
select s1.wpp_emp_id as emp_id,count(s1.wpp_id) as total_input,count ( case when s1.wpp_state >= 1 and s1.wpp_out_time >= 129382848 then s1.wpp_id end) as total_output from table_wpp_status as s1 where s1.wpp_class = 'ABC' and s1.wpp_emp_id in ( select distinct s2.wpp_emp_id from table_wpp_status as s2 where s2.wpp_in_time >= 129382848) and s1.wpp_in_time >= 129382848 group by s1.wpp_emp_id order by total_output desc limit 10;
emp_id total_input total_output Perry3 2 2 Perry2 1 1 Perry1 1 0