
  • 作为应用文件格式。在应用中使用sqlite,而不是使用fopen()来生成XML文件或某些专有格式的文件来存储数据。这样你将避免额外写一个问题重重的分析器,你的数据将变得更加容易访问,更加跨平台,更新操作将具备事务性。
  • 作为小电子器件的数据库sqlite是手机、PDA、MP3、机顶盒以其其他小电子器件常用的数据库引擎。sqlite代码轻巧,能充分利用内存空间、磁盘空间以及带宽;高度可靠,并且无需数据库管理的维护。
  • 作为网站数据库。因为它无需配置,将信息存储在磁盘文件上,sqlite是支撑中小型网站数据存储受欢迎的选择。
  • 企业RDBMS的代用品sqlite常被用作用于演示与测试目的的企业RDBMS的借用品。sqlite速度快,无需配置,使得它为测试省去很多事,也很容易搭建演示系统。

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Features Of sqlite Suggested Uses For sqlite:
  • Application File Format.Rather than using fopen() to write XML or some proprietary format intodisk files used by your application,use an sqlite database instead.You'll avoid having to write and troubleshoot a parser,your data will be more easily accessible and cross-platform,and your updates will be transactional.
  • Database For Gadgets.sqlite is popular choice for the database engine in cellphones,PDAs,MP3 players,set-top Boxes,and other electronic gadgets.sqlite has a small code footprint,makes efficient use of memory,disk space,and disk bandwidth,is highly reliable,and requiresno maintenance from a Database Administrator.
  • Website Database.Because it requires no configuration and stores information in ordinarydisk files,sqlite is a popular choice as the database to back smallto medium-sized websites.
  • Stand-in For An Enterprise RDBMS.sqlite is often used as a surrogate for an enterprise RDBMS for demonstration purposes or for testing. sqlite is fast and requires no setup,which takes a lot of the hassle out of testing and which makes demos perky and easy to launch.
