sqlite 在 android中使用注意事项

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了sqlite 在 android中使用注意事项前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from song where song_title like '?%' ",selectionArgs);

这行代码中由于占位符 ? 在单引号内,因此不会被当做占位符,而是对?进行了模糊查找,会产生类似如下报错:

android.database.sqlite.sqliteException: bind or column index out of range: handle 0x3418b0


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from song where song_title like '" + selectionArgs[0] + "%'",selectionArgs);


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select song_singer from song group by song_singer having count(*)<2 ",null); 2 cursor.moveToFirst(); 3 for ( int i= 0; i<cursor.getCount(); i++ ) 4 { 5 str_ge_shou_auto[i] = cursor.getString(0); 6 System.out.println("str_ge_shou_auto[i] is "+str_ge_shou_auto[i]); 7  cursor.moveToNext(); 8 } 9 cursor.close();


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from song where song_title like '" + selectionArgs[0] + "%'",null); 2 System.out.println(cursor.getString(0));

会出现类似这个错误:android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested,with a size of 1


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from song where song_title like '" + selectionArgs[0] + "%'",null); 2 cursor.moveToFirst(); 3 System.out.println(cursor.getString(0));


当然使用cursor.getString(0); 方法之后cursor并不会moveToNext


3、SimpleCursorAdapter的 _id 陷阱


以下代码会报错 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column ‘_id’ does not exist

1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select song_singer from song where song_singer like '"+selectionArgs[0]+"%' group by song_singer",null); 2 SimpleCursorAdapter simple_adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( 3 MusicLookup.this,R.layout.music_lookup_singer_item,cursor 4,new String[]{"song_singer"} 5,new int[]{R.id.song_singer_lookup_singer});


1 cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from song where song_singer like '"+selectionArgs[0]+"%' group by song_singer",new int[]{R.id.song_singer_lookup_singer});

要使用SimpleCursorAdapter,则不要在sql语句中进行column的选择,而是在newSimpleCursorAdapter(...) 的时候进行对需要的column的选择

4、关于AutoCompleteTextView 与 sqlite 关联数据源的陷阱

AutoCompleteTextView的使用需要ArrayAdapter适配器来提供数据源,一般都使用new ArrayAdapter<String> 从字符串的对象数组中得到数据构成ArrayAdapter,对于静态的字符串对象数组来说,这只需初始化时直接写入数据就行,类似这样:

1 private String[] test = {"a","ab","abc"};

这样便不会引起 “元素数<数组长度” 的问题,然而如果像下面这样:

1 private String[] test = new String[100]; 2 ...... 3 test[0] = "a"; 4 test[1] = "ab"; 5 test[2] = "abc"; 6 ......

这就会引起“元素数<数组长度” 的问题,虽然不会报错,但使用

ArrayAdapter<String> array_ge_ming = new ArrayAdapter<String>(MusicLookup.this,android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line,test);



 1 private String[] str_ge_ming_auto; //声明时先不初始化   ......  2 try{  3   cursor = db.rawQuery("select song_title from song",null);  4   cursor.moveToFirst();  5   System.out.println("cursor.getCount() is "+cursor.getCount());  6   str_ge_ming_auto = new String[cursor.getCount()]; //利用从sqlite返回的Cursor对象的getCount()方法得到需要的数组长度  7   for ( int i= 0; i<cursor.getCount(); i++ )  8   {  9   str_ge_ming_auto[i] = cursor.getString(0); 10   System.out.println("str_ge_ming_auto[i] is "+str_ge_ming_auto[i]); //一个个赋值 11   cursor.moveToNext(); 12   } 13   cursor.close(); 14    15   System.out.println("str_ge_shou_auto finish"); 16   }catch(sqliteException se){ 17   db.execsql("create table song(_id integer primary key autoincrement," + "song_num varchar(5)," 
         + "song_title varchar(20)," + "song_singer varchar(10)," + "song_info varchar(20));"); 18   }
