1). 创建测试数据表。
2). 通过INSERT语句插入测试数据。
3). 删除测试表。
#include <sqlite3.h> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; void doTest() { sqlite3* conn = NULL; //1. 打开数据库 int result = sqlite3_open("D:/mytest.db",&conn); if (result != sqlITE_OK) { sqlite3_close(conn); return; } const char* createTablesql = "CREATE TABLE TESTTABLE (int_col INT,float_col REAL,string_col TEXT)"; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL; int len = strlen(createTablesql); //2. 准备创建数据表,如果创建失败,需要用sqlite3_finalize释放sqlite3_stmt对象,以防止内存泄露。 if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn,createTablesql,len,&stmt,NULL) != sqlITE_OK) { if (stmt) sqlite3_finalize(stmt); sqlite3_close(conn); return; } //3. 通过sqlite3_step命令执行创建表的语句。对于DDL和DML语句而言,sqlite3_step执行正确的返回值 //只有sqlITE_DONE,对于SELECT查询而言,如果有数据返回sqlITE_ROW,当到达结果集末尾时则返回 //sqlITE_DONE。 if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != sqlITE_DONE) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); sqlite3_close(conn); return; } //4. 释放创建表语句对象的资源。 sqlite3_finalize(stmt); printf("Succeed to create test table now.\n"); int insertCount = 10; //5. 构建插入数据的sqlite3_stmt对象。 const char* insertsql = "INSERT INTO TESTTABLE VALUES(%d,%f,'%s')"; const char* testString = "this is a test."; char sql[1024]; sqlite3_stmt* stmt2 = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < insertCount; ++i) { sprintf(sql,insertsql,i,i * 1.0,testString); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn,sql,strlen(sql),&stmt2,NULL) != sqlITE_OK) { if (stmt2) sqlite3_finalize(stmt2); sqlite3_close(conn); return; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt2) != sqlITE_DONE) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt2); sqlite3_close(conn); return; } printf("Insert Succeed.\n"); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt2); //6. 为了方便下一次测试运行,我们这里需要删除该函数创建的数据表,否则在下次运行时将无法 //创建该表,因为它已经存在。 const char* dropsql = "DROP TABLE TESTTABLE"; sqlite3_stmt* stmt3 = NULL; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn,dropsql,strlen(dropsql),&stmt3,NULL) != sqlITE_OK) { if (stmt3) sqlite3_finalize(stmt3); sqlite3_close(conn); return; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt3) == sqlITE_DONE) { printf("The test table has been dropped.\n"); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt3); sqlite3_close(conn); } int main() { doTest(); return 0; } //输出结果如下: //Succeed to create test table now. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //Insert Succeed. //The test table has been dropped.原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/sqlite/201188.html