public class sqliteDAO{ static final String tag="DAO"; /** * 访问的数据库 */ private sqliteDatabase db; /** * 数据库打开辅助类 */ private static PADoctorsqliteHelper paDoctorsqliteHelper; private static long curUserId; /** * 数据插入冲突处理方式: * 0-忽略 * 1-抛出异常 * 2-替换数据 */ private int conflictType = 2; public sqliteDAO(Context c,long userId){ if (paDoctorsqliteHelper == null || userId != curUserId) { curUserId = userId; String prefix = ""; try { prefix = c.getExternalFilesDir(null).getAbsolutePath() + "/"; } catch (Exception e) { prefix = ""; } paDoctorsqliteHelper = new PADoctorsqliteHelper(c,prefix+"u"+curUserId+".msg",null,1); } db = paDoctorsqliteHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } public void close() { //db.close(); } public sqliteDatabase getsqliteDatabase(){ return db; } /** * 插入对象到数据库,存储对象的所有字段到数据库的对应字段,包括NULL字段. * @param entity 待插入的对象 * @return 如果插入数据库成功则返回该对象,否则返回NULL */ public <T> T insert(T entity){ return insert(entity,false); } /** * 插入对象到数据库,仅存储对象的非空字段到数据库,对象的NULL字段将被忽略. * @param entity 待插入的对象 * @return 如果插入数据库成功则返回该对象,否则返回NULL */ public <T> T insertSelective(T entity){ return insert(entity,true); } private <T> T insert(T entity,boolean selective){ ContentValues values=getContentValues(entity,selective); // T exist_obj=this.loadByPrimaryKey(entity); // if(exist_obj!=null){ // return exist_obj; // } long r; if(conflictType == 2){ r = db.replace(getTableName(entity),values); }else{ r = db.insert(getTableName(entity),values); } if(r >= 0){ return entity; } return null; } /** * 根据主键删除数据 * @param entity 待删除的对象,主键只必须设置. * @return */ public <T> int delete(T entity){ Object[] args=getPrimarySelectionAndArgs(entity); return db.delete(getTableName(entity),(String)args[0],(String[])args[1]); } /** * * @param entity * @param whereClause * @param whereArgs * @return the number of rows affected if a whereClause is passed in,0 otherwise. * To remove all rows and get a count pass "1" as the whereClause. */ public <T> int deleteByWhereClause(T entity,String whereClause,String[] whereArgs) { return db.delete(getTableName(entity),whereClause,whereArgs); } /** * 根据主键从数据库载入一条记录到对象 * @param entity 数据实体(必须初始化主键字段) * @return 成功则返回的该数据库实体,失败则返回NULL */ public <T> T loadByPrimaryKey(T entity){ Object[] args=getPrimarySelectionAndArgs(entity); Cursor cursor=db.query(getTableName(entity),(String[])args[1],null); try{ if(cursor.moveToNext()){ T db_entity=getEntity(cursor,entity); return db_entity; }else{ return null; } }finally{ cursor.close(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<T> query(T entity,String[] columns,String selection,String[] selectionArgs,String groupBy,String having,String orderBy,String limit){ List<T> entities = new ArrayList<T>(); Cursor cursor = db.query(getTableName(entity),columns,selection,selectionArgs,groupBy,having,orderBy,limit); try{ if(cursor!=null && cursor.moveToFirst()){ T obj=(T)entity.getClass().newInstance(); getEntity(cursor,obj); entities.add(obj); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { obj=(T)entity.getClass().newInstance(); getEntity(cursor,obj); entities.add(obj); } } return entities; }catch(Exception e){ Log.e(tag,""+e,e); return entities; }finally{ cursor.close(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> List<T> loadAll(T entity,String limit){ List<T> entities=new ArrayList<T>(); Cursor cursor=db.query(getTableName(entity),e); return entities; }finally{ cursor.close(); } } /** * 更新数据库实体,更新对象的所有字段到数据库的对应字段,包括NULL字段. * @param entity 待更新的对象(必须包含主键) * @return 成功更新的记录数 */ public int updateByPrimaryKey(Object entity){ return updateByPrimaryKey(entity,false); } /** * 更新数据库实体,仅更新对象的非空字段到数据库的对应字段,对象的NULL字段将被忽略. * @param entity 待更新的对象(必须包含主键) * @return 成功更新的记录数 */ public int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Object entity){ return updateByPrimaryKey(entity,true); } private int updateByPrimaryKey(Object entity,selective); Object[] args=getPrimarySelectionAndArgs(entity); int r=db.update(getTableName(entity),values,(String[])args[1]); return r; } /** * 从对象中解析出主键字段,以及主键字段对应的值 * @param entity * @return */ private Object[] getPrimarySelectionAndArgs(Object entity){ Object[] ret=new Object[2]; String selection=null; List<String> args=new ArrayList<String>(); try{ Class<?> entity_class=entity.getClass(); Field[] fs=entity_class.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f:fs){ if(isPrimaryKey(f)){ Method get=getGetMethod(entity_class,f); if(get!=null){ Object o=get.invoke(entity); String value=null; if(o!=null){ value=o.toString(); if(selection==null){ selection=f.getName()+"=?"; }else{ selection+=" AND "+f.getName()+"=?"; } args.add(value); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Primary key: "+f.getName()+" must not be null"); } } } } if(selection==null){ throw new RuntimeException("Primary key not found!"); } ret[0]=selection; ret[1]=args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); return ret; }catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** * 将对象转换为ContentValues * @param entity * @param selective * @return */ private ContentValues getContentValues(Object entity,boolean selective){ ContentValues values=new ContentValues(); try{ Class<?> entity_class=entity.getClass(); Field[] fs=entity_class.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f:fs){ if(isTransient(f)==false){ Method get=getGetMethod(entity_class,f); if(get!=null){ Object o=get.invoke(entity); if(!selective || (selective && o!=null)){ String name=f.getName(); Class<?> type=f.getType(); if(type==String.class){ values.put(name,(String)o); }else if(type==int.class || type==Integer.class){ values.put(name,(Integer)o); }else if(type==float.class || type==Float.class){ values.put(name,(Float)o); }else if(type==long.class || type==Long.class){ values.put(name,(Long)o); }else if(type==Date.class){ values.put(name,datetimeToString((Date)o)); }else{ values.put(name,o.toString()); } } } } } return values; }catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e); } } /** * 将数据库记录转换为对象 * * @param cursor * @param entity * @return */ private <T> T getEntity(Cursor cursor,T entity){ try{ Class<?> entity_class=entity.getClass(); Field[] fs=entity_class.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field f:fs){ int index=cursor.getColumnIndex(f.getName()); if(index>=0){ Method set=getSetMethod(entity_class,f); if(set!=null){ String value=cursor.getString(index); if(cursor.isNull(index)){ value=null; } Class<?> type=f.getType(); if(type==String.class){ set.invoke(entity,value); }else if(type==int.class || type==Integer.class){ set.invoke(entity,value==null?(Integer)null:Integer.parseInt(value)); }else if(type==float.class || type==Float.class){ set.invoke(entity,value==null?(Float)null:Float.parseFloat(value)); }else if(type==long.class || type==Long.class){ set.invoke(entity,value==null?(Long)null:Long.parseLong(value)); }else if(type==Date.class){ set.invoke(entity,value==null?(Date)null:stringToDateTime(value)); }else{ set.invoke(entity,value); } } } } return entity; }catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(),e); } } private String datetimeToString(Date d){ SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(d!=null){ return sdf.format(d); } return null; } private Date stringToDateTime(String s){ SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if(s!=null){ try { return sdf.parse(s); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e(tag,"解析时间错误: "+s,e); } } return null; } private Method getGetMethod(Class<?> entity_class,Field f){ String fn=f.getName(); String mn="get"+fn.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+fn.substring(1); try{ return entity_class.getDeclaredMethod(mn); }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){ Log.w(tag,"Method: "+mn+" not found."); return null; } } private Method getSetMethod(Class<?> entity_class,Field f){ String fn=f.getName(); String mn="set"+fn.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+fn.substring(1); try{ return entity_class.getDeclaredMethod(mn,f.getType()); }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){ Log.w(tag,"Method: "+mn+" not found."); return null; } } /** * 检查是否为主键字段 */ private boolean isPrimaryKey(Field f){ Annotation an=f.getAnnotation(Id.class); if(an!=null){ return true; } return false; } private boolean isTransient(Field f){ Annotation an=f.getAnnotation(Transient.class); if(an!=null){ return true; } return false; } private String getTableName(Object entity){ Table table=entity.getClass().getAnnotation(Table.class); String name=; return name; } public int getConflictType() { return conflictType; } public void setConflictType(int conflictType) { this.conflictType = conflictType; } }