QT & sqlite3:
Connect to sqlite and do insert,delete,update and select
Foundations of Qt Development\Chapter13\sqltest\sqlite\main.cpp /* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007,Johan Thelin * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,with or without modification,* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of APress nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING,BUT NOT * LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL,* EXEMPLARY,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA,OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY,WHETHER IN CONTRACT,STRICT LIABILITY,OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE,EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <QApplication> #include <Qtsql> #include <QtDebug> int main( int argc,char **argv ) { QApplication app( argc,argv ); //创建连接 QsqlDatabase db = QsqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QsqlITE" );//第二个参数可以设置连接名字,这里为default db.setDatabaseName( "./testdatabase.db" );//设置数据库名与路径,此时是放在上一个目录 //打开连接 if( !db.open() ) { qDebug() << db.lastError(); qFatal( "Failed to connect." ); } qDebug( "Connected!" ); //各种操作 QsqlQuery qry; //创建table qry.prepare( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS names (id INTEGER UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,firstname VARCHAR(30),lastname VARCHAR(30))" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug() << "Table created!"; //增 qry.prepare( "INSERT INTO names (id,firstname,lastname) VALUES (1,'John','Doe')" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Inserted!" ); qry.prepare( "INSERT INTO names (id,lastname) VALUES (2,'Jane',lastname) VALUES (3,'James',lastname) VALUES (4,'Judy',lastname) VALUES (5,'Richard','Roe')" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Inserted!" ); qry.prepare( "INSERT INTO names (id,lastname) VALUES (6,lastname) VALUES (7,'Noakes')" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Inserted!" ); qry.prepare( "INSERT INTO names (id,lastname) VALUES (8,'Donna',lastname) VALUES (9,'Ralph','Roe')" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Inserted!" ); //查询 qry.prepare( "SELECT * FROM names" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else { qDebug( "Selected!" ); QsqlRecord rec = qry.record(); int cols = rec.count(); for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Column %1: %2" ).arg( c ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ); for( int r=0; qry.next(); r++ ) for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Row %1,%2: %3" ).arg( r ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ).arg( qry.value(c).toString() ); } qry.prepare( "SELECT firstname,lastname FROM names WHERE lastname = 'Roe'" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else { qDebug( "Selected!" ); QsqlRecord rec = qry.record(); int cols = rec.count(); for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Column %1: %2" ).arg( c ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ); for( int r=0; qry.next(); r++ ) for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Row %1,%2: %3" ).arg( r ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ).arg( qry.value(c).toString() ); } qry.prepare( "SELECT firstname,lastname FROM names WHERE lastname = 'Roe' ORDER BY firstname" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else { qDebug( "Selected!" ); QsqlRecord rec = qry.record(); int cols = rec.count(); for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Column %1: %2" ).arg( c ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ); for( int r=0; qry.next(); r++ ) for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Row %1,%2: %3" ).arg( r ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ).arg( qry.value(c).toString() ); } qry.prepare( "SELECT lastname,COUNT(*) as 'members' FROM names GROUP BY lastname ORDER BY lastname" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else { qDebug( "Selected!" ); QsqlRecord rec = qry.record(); int cols = rec.count(); for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Column %1: %2" ).arg( c ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ); for( int r=0; qry.next(); r++ ) for( int c=0; c<cols; c++ ) qDebug() << QString( "Row %1,%2: %3" ).arg( r ).arg( rec.fieldName(c) ).arg( qry.value(c).toString() ); } //更新 qry.prepare( "UPDATE names SET firstname = 'Nisse',lastname = 'Svensson' WHERE id = 7" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Updated!" ); qry.prepare( "UPDATE names SET lastname = 'Johnson' WHERE firstname = 'Jane'" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Updated!" ); //删除 qry.prepare( "DELETE FROM names WHERE id = 7" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Deleted!" ); qry.prepare( "DELETE FROM names WHERE lastname = 'Johnson'" ); if( !qry.exec() ) qDebug() << qry.lastError(); else qDebug( "Deleted!" ); db.close(); return 0; }
cp -arf libsqlite3.so libsqlite3.so.0 libsqlite3.so.0.8.6。。。
(1)QT生成的.pro文件中添加库指令:LIBS += -lsqlite3
char *zErrMsg; //出错信息
char **resultp; //调用时的保存位置
int nrow; //列数
int ncolumn; //行数
char *errmsg; //出错信息
if( (sqlite3_open("people.db",&db)) != 0 ){
qDebug()<<"sqlite3 open is false";
else {
qDebug()<<"sqlite3 open is OK";
sqlite3_exec(db,"create table person(name varchar(30) PRIMARY KEY,age int);",NULL,&zErrMsg);
*添加PRIMARY KEY是指定主键,每个数据库只能有一个,主键的值不能重复,比方说你设定name为主键,则相同名字的人只能保存第一个,其他的忽略不计。若想避免这种情况,则去掉主键或者设定id号为主键(id号一直加一,不会重复)。
张翼',30)","insert into person values('hongdy',28)",&zErrMsg);
int data=10;
char sql2[100]; //必须写明大小,划分内存,如果只写一个char *sql2,会出现段错误
char data[]="张翼";
char sql2[100];
* %s需要用单引号注释
#include <QTextCodec>
char *abc=ui->lineEdit->text().toUtf8().data(); //QString转char*
sqlite3_get_table(db,"select * from person",&resultp,&nrow,&ncolumn,&errmsg);
char sql3[100];
sprintf(sql3,"select * from person where name='zhang';",sql3,51); font-size:14.4444446563721px; line-height:26px"> *查询时使用变量的方法和添加时一样
//#include<Qtsql>//这样写会报Cannot open include file: 'Qtsql': No such file or directory,奇葩错误,因为Qtsql只是一个文件夹
#include <Qtsql/QsqlDatabase>//这样写可以
"available driver:"
QStringList drivers=QsqlDatabase::drivers();
); db.setHostName(
"select * from mytable"