1 可以用比较少的位数来存储比较小的数字(在实际应用中,存储的比较多),而用比较多的位数来存储比较大的数字(在实际应用中,存储的比较少)。
2 长度可以在第一个字节就可以知道
3 编码之后的字节串的排序没改变。一个已经排序好的数组,编码之后,还是排好序的
- If V<=240 then output a single by A0 equal to V.
- If V<=2287 then output A0 as (V-240)/256 + 241 and A1 as (V-240)%256.
- If V<=67823 then output A0 as 249,A1 as (V-2288)/256,and A2 as (V-2288)%256.
- If V<=16777215 then output A0 as 250 and A1 through A3 as a big-endian 3-byte integer.
- If V<=4294967295 then output A0 as 251 and A1..A4 as a big-ending 4-byte integer.
- If V<=1099511627775 then output A0 as 252 and A1..A5 as a big-ending 5-byte integer.
- If V<=281474976710655 then output A0 as 253 and A1..A6 as a big-ending 6-byte integer.
- If V<=72057594037927935 then output A0 as 254 and A1..A7 as a big-ending 7-byte integer.
- Otherwise then output A0 as 255 and A1..A8 as a big-ending 8-byte integer.
- If A0 is between 0 and 240 inclusive,then the result is the value of A0.
- If A0 is between 241 and 248 inclusive,then the result is 240+256*(A0-241)+A1.
- If A0 is 249 then the result is 2288+256*A1+A2.
- If A0 is 250 then the result is A1..A3 as a 3-byte big-ending integer.
- If A0 is 251 then the result is A1..A4 as a 4-byte big-ending integer.
- If A0 is 252 then the result is A1..A5 as a 5-byte big-ending integer.
- If A0 is 253 then the result is A1..A6 as a 6-byte big-ending integer.
- If A0 is 254 then the result is A1..A7 as a 7-byte big-ending integer.
- If A0 is 255 then the result is A1..A8 as a 8-byte big-ending integer.
位数 最大数字
1 240
2 2287
3 67823
4 224-1
5 232-1
6 240-1
7 248-1
8 256-1
9 264-1