select path || '%' from t_category where depth = 0 and type = 0
比如path是/1001/的话 那结果就是/1001/%
SELECT 'A'+'B' 结果为0
SELECT"A"+"1" 结果为1
"A"+1 结果为1
2+1 结果为3
=在“+”运算中,sqlite将字符串非数字串都当作0处理了||String Concatenation *Arithmetic Multiply /Arithmetic Divide %Arithmetic Modulus +Arithmetic Add –Arithmetic Subtract <<Bitwise Right shift >>Bitwise Left shift &Logical And |Logical Or <Relational Less than <=Relational Less than or equal to >Relational Greater than >=Relational Greater than or equal to =Relational Equal to ==Relational Equal to <>Relational Not equal to !=Relational Not equal to INLogical In ANDLogical And ORLogical Or LIKERelational String matching GLOBRelational Filename matching