是否可以将SQLite用作客户端 – 服务器数据库?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了是否可以将SQLite用作客户端 – 服务器数据库?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
sqlite是一个嵌入式数据库,它不能用作客户端/服务器数据库.如果你真的想,你可以使用 SQLitening.


sqlitening is a client/server implementation of the very popular sqlite database.

sqlitening is a programmer’s library in standard Win32 DLL form. It is installed as a standard Windows Service. In addition to client/server mode,the library allows the programmer to also access sqlite databases in local mode. In either mode (local or client/server),the database is extremely fast and robust. — Source: 07001
