Tomcat 7.0.32 Spring MVC Servlet 3 Async无法正常工作

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Tomcat 7.0.32 Spring MVC Servlet 3 Async无法正常工作前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

我编写了非常简单的控制器,测试Servlet 3的功能

    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor;

    @RequestMapping(value="{name}",method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public @ResponseBody DeferredResult

在单独的线程中,我只做了5秒的睡眠命令,之后我将MyResult POJO返回给DeferredResult.

我的web.xml文件符合Servlet 3规范:




现在这是有趣的部分.当运行打开10个并发连接的简单程序时,我看到第一个集合被释放后,首先只提供5个连接,然后提供第二个5个连接(您可以从时间步进中看到它).这不是Servlet 3.0应该如何表现的

Fri May 31 01:17:57 IDT 2013: Preparing 10 concurrent connections
Fri May 31 01:18:02 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 9 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:02 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 8 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:02 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 4 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:02 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 7 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:02 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 2 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:07 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 1 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:07 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 0 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:07 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 5 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:07 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 6 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}
Fri May 31 01:18:07 IDT 2013: Output from Server int thread 3 :{"props1":"param1","props2":"param1"}

如果将Tomcat Connector更改为


它就像魅力一样.我不想这样做.根据Tomcat文档,我应该在没有Http11NioProtocol连接器的情况下接收Servlet 3.0功能.


问题是由于Tomcat配置中的maxThreads = 5设置.


以下是Tomcat doc关于如何选择maxConnections的默认值的摘录:

maxConnections : The maximum number of connections that the server
will accept and process at any given time. When this number has been
reached,the server will not accept any more connections until the
number of connections falls below this value. The operating system may
still accept connections based on the acceptCount setting. Default
value varies by connector type. For BIO the default is the value of
unless an Executor is used in which case the default will
be the value of maxThreads from the executor. For NIO the default is
. For APR/native,the default is 8192.

您可以显式指定maxConnections =“10”(例如)设置以覆盖此默认行为.然后,您应该看到无论使用哪种连接器,都可以获得10个并行请求.我试过这个并且它有效.
