1. JDK API例子:
典型的调用顺序是 (*表示出现0次或多次;例子表示aaaaab是否匹配a*b格式)
Pattern p = Pattern.("a*b"); Matcher m = p.("aaaaab"); boolean b = m.();compilematchermatches
在仅使用一次正则表达式时,可以方便地通过此类定义 matches
boolean b = Pattern.matches("a*b","aaaaab");
public boolean matches(Stringregex)
boolean b = "aaaaab".matches("a*b");
import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class RegexExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { // using pattern with flags Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("ab",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("ABcabdAb"); // using Matcher find(),group(),start() and end() methods while (matcher.find()) { System.out.println("Found the text \"" + matcher.group() + "\" starting at " + matcher.start() + " index and ending at index " + matcher.end()); } // using Pattern split() method pattern = Pattern.compile("\\W"); String[] words = pattern.split("one@two#three:four$five"); System.out.print("Split using Pattern.split(): "); for (String s : words) { System.out.print(s + " "); } System.out.println(); words = "one@two#three:four$five".split("\\W"); System.out.print("Split using String.split(): "); for (String s : words) { System.out.print(s + " "); } System.out.println(); // using Matcher.replaceFirst() and replaceAll() methods pattern = Pattern.compile("1*2"); matcher = pattern.matcher("112345126782"); System.out.println("Using matcher.replaceAll: " + matcher.replaceAll("_")); System.out.println("Using matcher.replaceFirst: " + matcher.replaceFirst("_")); System.out.println("Using String.replaceAll: " + "112345126782".replaceAll("1*2","_")); System.out.println("Using String.replaceFirst: " + "112345126782".replaceFirst("1*2","_")); } }
Found the text "AB" starting at 0 index and ending at index 2 Found the text "ab" starting at 3 index and ending at index 5 Found the text "Ab" starting at 6 index and ending at index 8 Split using Pattern.split(): one two three four five Split using String.split(): one two three four five Using matcher.replaceAll: _345_678_ Using matcher.replaceFirst: _345126782 Using String.replaceAll: _345_678_ Using String.replaceFirst: _345126782
3. 常用语法(API)
字符类 | |
[abc] | a、b 或 c(简单类) |
[^abc] | 任何字符,除了 a、b 或 c(否定) |
[a-zA-Z] | a 到 z 或 A 到 Z,两头的字母包括在内(范围) |
[a-d[m-p]] | a 到 d 或 m 到 p:[a-dm-p](并集) |
[a-z&&[def]] | d、e 或 f(交集) |
[a-z&&[^bc]] | a 到 z,除了 b 和 c:[ad-z](减去) |
[a-z&&[^m-p]] | a 到 z,而非 m 到 p:[a-lq-z](减去) |
预定义字符类 | |
. | 任何字符(与行结束符可能匹配也可能不匹配) |
\d | 数字:[0-9] |
\D | 非数字: [^0-9] |
\s | 空白字符:[ \t\n\x0B\f\r] |
\S | 非空白字符:[^\s] |
\w | 单词字符:[a-zA-Z_0-9] |
\W | 非单词字符:[^\w] |
边界匹配器 | |
^ | 行的开头 |
$ | 行的结尾 |
\b | 单词边界 |
\B | 非单词边界 |
\A | 输入的开头 |
\G | 上一个匹配的结尾 |
\Z | 输入的结尾,仅用于最后的结束符(如果有的话) |
\z | 输入的结尾 |
Greedy 数量词 | |
X? | X,一次或一次也没有 |
X* | X,零次或多次 |
X+ | X,一次或多次 |
X{n} | X,恰好 n 次 |
X{n,} | X,至少 n 次 |
X{n,m} | X,至少 n 次,但是不超过 m 次 |
public class RegexExpression { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("\"a\".matches(\"[abc]\") --> 匹配a/b/c: " + "a".matches("[abc]")); System.out.println("\"aab\".matches(\"[abc]+\") --> a/b/c出现一次或多次: " + "aab".matches("[abc]+")); System.out.println("\" @aab\".matches(\"\\s\\W?\\w{1,5}\") --> 空白字符+非单词字符至多一次+单词字符1到5次: " + " @aab".matches("\\s\\W?\\w{1,5}")); System.out.println("\"xa@c2\".matches(\"^[^abc].+[123]$\") --> 非a/b/c开头+任意字符1次或多次+1/2/3结尾: " + "xa@c2".matches("^[^abc].+[123]$")); } }
"a".matches("[abc]") --> 匹配a/b/c: true "aab".matches("[abc]+") --> a/b/c出现一次或多次: true " @aab".matches("\s\W?\w{1,5}") --> 空白字符+非单词字符至多一次+单词字符1到5次: true "xa@c2".matches("^[^abc].+[123]$") --> 非a/b/c开头+任意字符1次或多次+1/2/3结尾: true参考: http://www.jb51.cc/article/p-hnnbfqms-nd.html