"text" <span class="middle">"text"</span> "text" 变成“text”<span class="middle">“text”</span> “text”
import re subject = '''"text" <span class="middle">"text"</span> "text" ''' innerre = re.compile('"([^"]*)"') result = ""; lastindex = 0; for outermatch in re.finditer("<[^<>]*>",subject): # Search and replace through the text between this match,# and the prevIoUs one textbetween = subject[lastindex:outermatch.start()] result += innerre.sub(u"\u201C\\1\u201D",textbetween) lastindex = outermatch.end() # Append the regex match itself unchanged result += outermatch.group() # Search and replace through the remainder after the last regex match textafter = subject[lastindex:] result += innerre.sub(u"\u201C\\1\u201D",textafter) print result