

Search and Replace

Sublime Text features two main types of search:

We’ll examine them in turn,but first let’s talk about a powerful tool for searchingtext: regular expressions.

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions find complex patterns in text. To take full advantage ofthe search and replace facilities in Sublime Text,you should at least learnthe basics of regular expressions. In this guide we won’t explain how to useregular expressions.

Typing out regular expression gets boring fast,and saying it is even moreannoying,so instead nerds usually shorten that to regexp or regex.

This is how a regex might look:


Regexes are known to hurt people’s feelings.

To use regular expressions in Sublime Text,you first need to activate them inthe varIoUs search panels. The search term will otherwise be interpretedliterally.

Sublime Text uses the Boost syntax for regular expressions.

