<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Regular Expression Test Page</TITLE> <!--- Some styles to make the page look nice ---> <STYLE> BODY {font-family:arial;font-size:12px} INPUT {font-size:11px} TEXTAREA {font-size:11px} TH {background:#8888FF;color:white;text-align:left} TD {background:#CCCC99;color:black;font-size:12px} TD.RowA {background:#CCCC99} TD.RowB {background:#EEEEBB} .header {font-weight:bold} </STYLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // Turn off fields used only by replace function hideReplaceFields() { document.getElementById('RegExReplace').disabled=true; document.getElementById('replaceheader').disabled=true; } // Turn on fields used only by replace function showReplaceFields() { document.getElementById('RegExReplace').disabled=false; document.getElementById('replaceheader').disabled=false; } // Perform a find function processRegexFind(text,regex,flags) { var reg = new RegExp(regex,flags); var lastIdx = -1; var iCount = 0; var result = ""; var output = '<DIV STYLE="height:200px;overflow-y:auto;width:550">' + '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="550">' + '<TR><TH WIDTH="*">Match</TH><TH WIDTH="50">Position</TH><TH WIDTH="50">Length</TH></TR>'; // Loop as long as have matches while (lastIdx != 0) { // Do it var mtch = reg.exec(text); // Check if got one if (reg.lastIndex != 0) { // Yep,increment counter iCount++; if (iCount % 2) style = "RowA"; else style = "RowB"; // Write output output += '<TR CLASS="' + style + '"><TD>' + RegExp.lastMatch + "</TD><TD>" + (reg.lastIndex-RegExp.lastMatch.length) + "</TD><TD>" + RegExp.lastMatch.length + "</TD></TR>"; } lastIdx = reg.lastIndex; } output += "</TABLE>"; // Build result if (iCount != 0) result = "Matches Found: " + iCount+ "<BR>" + output; else result = "No matches"; return result; } // Process a replace function processRegexReplace(text,regexfind,regexreplace,flags) { // Define regex var re = new RegExp (regexfind,flags) ; // Do it var newstr = text.replace(re,regexreplace) ; // Generate output var result = '<DIV STYLE="height:200px;overflow-y:auto;width:550">' + '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="550">' + '<TR><TH>New Text</TH></TR><TR><TD>' + newstr + '</TD></TR>'; return result; } // Process entry point function processRegex(form) { var output=""; var flags; if (form.CaseSensitive.checked) flags = "g"; else flags = "gi"; // What to do? if (form.OperationFind.checked) { output=processRegexFind(form.SearchText.value,form.RegEx.value,flags); } else if (form.OperationReplace.checked) { output=processRegexReplace(form.SearchText.value,form.RegExReplace.value,flags); } document.getElementById('output').innerHTML=output; return false; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM NAME="tester" ACTION="" METHOD="post" onSubmit="processRegex(this);return false"> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="550"> <TR> <TH CLASS="Dialog">Regular Expression Tester</TH> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="Dialog"> <!--- Text input for the regular expression itself ---> <SPAN CLASS="header">Enter a regular expression:</SPAN><BR> <INPUT NAME="RegEx" TYPE="Text" SIZE="65" STYLE="font-size:13px"> <!--- CheckBox to control case-sensitivity ---> <INPUT TYPE="CheckBox" NAME="CaseSensitive" ID="CaseSensitive" VALUE="Yes"> <LABEL FOR="CaseSensitive">Case sensitive</LABEL> <BR> <!--- Radio buttons to display find vs. replace ---> <INPUT TYPE="Radio" NAME="Operation" ID="OperationFind" VALUE="find" CHECKED onClick="hideReplaceFields()"> <LABEL FOR="OperationFind">Find</LABEL> <INPUT TYPE="Radio" NAME="Operation" ID="OperationReplace" VALUE="replace" onClick="showReplaceFields()"> <LABEL FOR="OperationReplace">Replace</LABEL> <BR> <!--- Text input for the replace regular expression ---> <SPAN CLASS="header" ID="replaceheader">Enter the replace regular expression:</SPAN><BR> <INPUT ID="RegExReplace" NAME="RegExReplace" TYPE="Text" SIZE="65" STYLE="font-size:13px"> <BR><BR> <!--- Textarea where user can type the text to search ---> <SPAN CLASS="header">And the text you wish to search:</SPAN><BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="SearchText" WRAP="off" COLS="70" ROWS="6"></TEXTAREA> <BR> <!--- Submit button to start the search ---> <INPUT NAME="Submit" TYPE="Submit" STYLE="font-weight:bold" VALUE="Match Now"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> <!-- Display any reults here ---> <SPAN id="output"></SPAN> <!-- Default to find ---> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> hideReplaceFields(); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>