Regular Expression Matching
Implement regular expression matching withsupport for '.' and '*'.
'.' Matches any single character.
'*' Matches zero or more of the precedingelement.
The matching should cover the entireinput string (not partial).
The function prototype should be:
bool isMatch(const char *s,const char *p)
Some examples:
isMatch("aa","a") →false
isMatch("aa","aa") →true
isMatch("aaa","aa") →false
isMatch("aa","a*") →true
isMatch("aa",".*") →true
isMatch("ab",".*") →true
isMatch("aab","c*a*b")→ true
这题很多corner case需要考虑,也是看了leetcode开发者的这篇文章(恍然大悟的,由于'.'和'*'的特殊性,用贪心会有bug,文章里面详细描述了几个case。作者指出了两点:
1. If the next character of pis NOT '*',then it must match the current charactor of s. Continue patternmatching with the next charactor of both s and p.
2.If the next character of p is '*',then we do a brute forceexhuastive matching of 0,1,or more repeats current charactor of p... Until wecould not match any more charactors.
class Solution { public: bool isMatch(string s,string p) { return _is_match(s.c_str(),p.c_str()); } private: bool _is_match(const char* s,const char* p) { if (*p == '\0') { return *s == '\0'; } if (*(p + 1) != '*') { return ((*s == *p) || (*s != '\0' && *p == '.')) && _is_match(s + 1,p + 1); } else { while ((*s == *p) || (*s != '\0' && *p == '.')) { if (_is_match(s,p + 2)) { return true; } ++s; } return _is_match(s,p + 2); } } };