General Information |
Anchoring Characters |
Character Class |
Description |
^ |
Anchor the expression to the start of a line |
$ |
Anchor the expression to the end of a line |
Equivalence Classes |
Character Class |
Description |
= = |
Oracle supports the equivalence classes through the POSIX '[==]' Syntax. A base letter and all of its accented versions constitute an equivalence class. For example,the equivalence class '[=a=]' matches ä and â. The equivalence classes are valid only inside the bracketed expression |
Match Options |
Character Class |
Description |
c |
Case sensitive matching |
i |
Case insensitive matching |
m |
Treat source string as multi-line activating Anchor chars |
n |
Allow the period (.) to match any newline character |
Posix Characters |
Character Class |
Description |
[:alnum:] |
Alphanumeric characters |
[:alpha:] |
Alphabetic characters |
[:blank:] |
Blank Space Characters |
[:cntrl:] |
Control characters (nonprinting) |
[:digit:] |
Numeric digits |
[:graph:] |
Any [:punct:],[:upper:],[:lower:],and [:digit:] chars |
[:lower:] |
Lowercase alphabetic characters |
[:print:] |
Printable characters |
[:punct:] |
Punctuation characters |
[:space:] |
Space characters (nonprinting),such as carriage return,newline,vertical tab,and form Feed |
[:upper:] |
Uppercase alphabetic characters |
[:xdigit:] |
Hexidecimal characters |
Quantifier Characters |
Character Class |
Description |
* |
Match 0 or more times |
? |
Match 0 or 1 time |
+ |
Match 1 or more times |
{m} |
Match exactly m times |
{m,} |
Match at least m times |
{m,n} |
Match at least m times but no more than n times |
\n |
Cause the prevIoUs expression to be repeated n times |
Alternative Matching And Grouping Characters |
Character Class |
Description |
| |
Separates alternates,often used with grouping operator () |
( ) |
Groups subexpression into a unit for alternations,for quantifiers,or for backreferencing (see "Backreferences" section) |
[char] |
Indicates a character list; most Metacharacters inside a character list are understood as literals,with the exception of character classes,and the ^ and - Metacharacters |
Demo Table |
Syntax |
REGEXP_COUNT(<source_string>,<pattern>[[,<start_position>],[<match_parameter>]]) -- match parameter: 'c' = case sensitive 'i' = case insensitive search 'm' = treats the source string as multiple lines 'n' = allows the period (.) wild character to match newline 'x' = ignore whitespace characters |
Count's occurrences based on a regular expression |
SELECTREGEXP_COUNT(testcol,'2a',1,'i') RESULT FROMtest; SELECTREGEXP_COUNT(testcol,'e','i') RESULT FROMtest; |
Syntax |
REGEXP_INSTR(<source_string>,<start_position>][,<occurrence>][,<return_option>][,<match_parameter>][,<sub_expression>]]) |
Find character 'o' followed by any 3 alphabetic characters: case insensitive Our thanks to Cassio for spotting a typo here. |
SELECTREGEXP_INSTR('500Oracle Pkwy,Redwood Shores,CA','[o][[:alpha:]]{3}','i') RESULT FROMDUAL; SELECTREGEXP_INSTR('500 OraclePkwy,'i') RESULT FROMDUAL; SELECTREGEXP_INSTR('500 Oracle Pkwy,Redwood Shores,2,Redwood Shores,CA','i') RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Find the position of try,trying,tried or tries |
SELECTREGEXP_INSTR('We are trying to make the subject easier.','tr(y(ing)?|(ied)|(ies))') RESULTNUM FROMDUAL; |
Using Sub-Expression option |
SELECTtestcol,REGEXP_INSTR(testcol,'ab','i',0) FROMtest; SELECTtestcol,1) FROMtest; SELECTtestcol,'a(b)',1) FROMtest; |
Syntax |
REGEXP_LIKE(<source_string>,<pattern>,<match_parameter>) |
AlphaNumeric Characters |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alnum:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alnum:]]{3}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alnum:]]{5}'); |
Alphabetic Characters |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alpha:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alpha:]]{3}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:alpha:]]{5}'); |
Control Characters |
INSERTINTOtestVALUES('zyx' ||CHR(13) || 'wvu'); COMMIT; SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:cntrl:]]{1}'); |
Digits |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:digit:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:digit:]]{3}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:digit:]]{5}'); |
Lower Case |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:lower:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:lower:]]{2}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:lower:]]{3}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:lower:]]{5}'); |
Printable Characters |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:print:]]{5}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:print:]]{6}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:print:]]{7}'); |
Punctuation |
TRUNCATETABLEtest; SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:punct:]]'); |
Spaces |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:space:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:space:]]{2}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:space:]]{3}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:space:]]{5}'); |
Upper Case |
SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:upper:]]'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:upper:]]{2}'); SELECT* FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'[[:upper:]]{3}'); |
Values Starting with 'a%b' |
SELECTtestcol FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'^ab*'); |
'a' is the third value |
SELECTtestcol FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'^..a.'); |
Contains two consecutive occurances of the letter 'a' or 'z' |
SELECTtestcol FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'([az])\1','i'); |
Begins with 'Ste' ends with 'en' and contains either 'v' or 'ph' in the center |
SELECTtestcol FROMtest WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(testcol,'^Ste(v|ph)en$'); |
Use a regular expression in a check constraint |
CREATETABLEmytest (c1VARCHAR2(20), CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE(c1,'^[[:alpha:]]+$'))); |
Identify SSN Thanks: Byron Bush HIoUG |
CREATETABLEssn_test ( ssn_colVARCHAR2(20)); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('111-22-3333'); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('111=22-3333'); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('111-A2-3333'); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('111-22-33339'); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('111-2-23333'); INSERTINTOssn_testVALUES('987-65-4321'); COMMIT; SELECTssn_col from ssn_test WHEREREGEXP_LIKE(ssn_col,'^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}$'); |
Syntax |
REGEXP_REPLACE(<source_string>, <replace_string>,<position>,<occurrence>,<match_parameter>) |
Looks for the pattern and reformats pattern to (xxx) xxx-xxxx |
col testcol format a15 col result format a15 SELECTtestcol,REGEXP_REPLACE(testcol, '([[:digit:]]{3})\.([[:digit:]]{3})\.([[:digit:]]{4})', '(\1) \2-\3') RESULT FROMtest WHERELENGTH(testcol) = 12; |
Put a space after every character |
SELECTtestcol,'(.)','\1 ') RESULT FROMtest WHEREtestcol like 'S%'; |
Replace multiple spaces with a single space |
SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('500 Oracle Parkway,'( ){2,}',' ') RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Insert a space between a lower case character followed by an upper case character |
SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('George McGovern','([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])','\1 \2') CITY FROMDUAL; (Produces 'George Mc Govern') |
Replace the period with a string (note use of '\') |
SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('We are trying to make the subject easier.','\.',' for you.') REGEXT_SAMPLE FROMDUAL; |
Demo |
CREATETABLEt( testcolVARCHAR2(10)); INSERTINTOtVALUES('1'); INSERTINTOtVALUES('2 '); INSERTINTOtVALUES('3 new '); col newval format a10 SELECTLENGTH(testcol) len,testcol origval, REGEXP_REPLACE(testcol,'\W+$',' ') newval, LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(testcol,' ')) newlen FROMt; |
Code snippet courtesy of Valentin Matak. This is a handy way to remove duplicate characters from a string. This example shows the 1+ repeatability qualifier in use. |
Code snippet courtesy of Jonathan Linder. This checks for a valid email address and then extracts the domain name. |
SELECTREGEXP_REPLACE('','^(\S+)@(\S+)','\2') FROMDUALd WHERE REGEXP_LIKE('','^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@([A-Za-z0-9-]+.)?+[A-Za-z]{2,63}$') |
Code snippet courtesy of Juraj Drusc. This example will convert Oracle's SYS_GUID() to a JAVA UUID. |
SELECTlower(REGEXP_REPLACE(sys_guid(), '([[:alnum:]]{8})([[:alnum:]]{4})([[:alnum:]]{4})([[:alnum:]]{4})([[:alnum:]]{12})', '1-2-3-4-5'))FROMDUAL; |
Syntax |
REGEXP_SUBSTR(source_string,pattern [,position [,occurrence [,match_parameter]]]) |
Searches for a comma followed by one or more occurrences of non-comma characters followed by a comma |
SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR('500 Oracle Parkway,',[^,]+,') RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Look for http:// followed by a substring of one or more alphanumeric characters and optionally,a period (.) |
col result format a50 SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR('Go to and click on database', 'http://([[:alnum:]]+\.?){3,4}/?') RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Extracts try,tried or tries |
SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR('We are trying to make the subject easier.','tr(y(ing)?|(ied)|(ies))') FROMDUAL; |
Extract the 3rd field treating ':' as a delimiter |
SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR('system/pwd@orabase:1521:sidval', '[^:]+',3) RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Extract from string with vertical bar delimiter |
CREATETABLEregexp ( testcolVARCHAR2(50)); INSERTINTOregexp (testcol) VALUES ('One|Two|Three|Four|Five'); SELECT*FROMregexp; SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR(testcol,'[^|]+',3) FROMregexp; |
Equivalence classes |
SELECTREGEXP_SUBSTR('iSelfSchooling NOT ISelfSchooling','[[=i=]]SelfSchooling') RESULT FROMDUAL; |
Parsing Demo |
set serveroutput on DECLARE xVARCHAR2(2); yVARCHAR2(2); cVARCHAR2(40) := '1:3,4:6,8:10,3:4,7:6,11:12'; BEGIN x := REGEXP_SUBSTR(c,'[^:]+',1); y := REGEXP_SUBSTR(c,'[^,]+',3,1); dbms_output.put_line(x ||' '|| y); END; /
Gary Whitaker wrote in with an addition to this parsing demo,and had the following comments: The parsing demo above uses the regular expression '[^,]+' whichdoes not workwhen there is a@L_456_301@element in the list. This could result in returning the wrong element's data. Consider this simple example with comments: set serveroutput on DECLARE xVARCHAR2(1); yVARCHAR2(1); zVARCHAR2(1); cVARCHAR2(40) := '1,4,5,6,7'; BEGIN -- Works as expected if the value you seek is before any null value in the list: x := REGEXP_SUBSTR(c,2); -- This form only returns the 4th element when all elements are present. -- It will return the 4thnon-nullelement,which in this example is really '5', -- which could be misleading. -- if you are really after the 4th element regardless if there is a null element: y := REGEXP_SUBSTR(c,4); -- This form gets the actual 4th element,allowing for the null element. -- Get the 1st substring of the 4th instance of a set of characters that are not a comma,-- when followed by a comma or the end of the line: z := REGEXP_SUBSTR(c,'([^,]*)(,|$)',NULL,1); dbms_output.put_line(x); dbms_output.put_line(y); dbms_output.put_line(z); END; / |