


1. grep用法

  • 描述


# grep [-acinv] '搜索内容串' filename


  • 参数








  • 实例


"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
apple is my favorite food.
Football game is not use feet only.
this dress doesn't fit me.
However,this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
GNU is free air not free beer.
I can't finish the test.
Oh! the soup taste good!
motorcycle is cheap than car.
the symbol '*' is represented as star.
The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
You are the best is menu you are the no.1.
The world is the same with 'glad'.
google is the best tools for search keyword.
goooooogle yes!
go! go! Let's go.
#I am VBird


# grep -n 'the' regular_express.txt

7:I can't finish the test.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
10:the symbol '*' is represented as star.
12:You are the best is menu you are the no.1.
13:The world is the same with 'glad'.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.


# grep -nv 'the' regular_express.txt

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
5:However,this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
6:GNU is free air not free beer.
9:motorcycle is cheap than car.
11:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
15:goooooogle yes!
16:go! go! Let's go.
17:#I am VBird

2. grep与基础正则表达式

2.1 语法





\ <,从匹配正则表达式的行开始

\ >,到匹配正则表达式的行结束

[ ],表示匹配[ ]中的某一个字符,如[ade],表示匹配a或d或e

[^ ],^用作[ ]内字符的前缀,表示不匹配包含[ ]内字符的行

[ - ],表示匹配的字符范围。[a-z] 表示小写字母,[0-9] 表示0~9数字,[A-Z] 则是大写字母,[a-zA-Z0-9]表示所有数字与英文字

. ,匹配所有的单个字符



2.2 实例

  • 使用[],匹配集合字符串

[]表示其中的某一个字符 ,例如[ae]表示a或e。

# grep -n 't[ae]st' regular_express.txt 

7:I can't finish the test.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
  • 使用[^],不匹配包含[ ]内字符的字符串

匹配oo前没有g的字符串所在的行,使用 ‘[^g]oo’ 作匹配字符串。

# grep -n '[^g]oo' regular_express.txt 

2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!
  • 使用[ - ],表示字符范围


# grep -n '[0-9]' regular_express.txt 

5:However,this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
12:You are the best is menu you are the no.1.
  • 使用^,匹配以^后面的字符为开头的行


# grep -n '^the' regular_express.txt 

10:the symbol '*' is represented as star.


# grep -n '^[a-z]' regular_express.txt 

2:apple is my favorite food.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
9:motorcycle is cheap than car.
10:the symbol '*' is represented as star.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!
16:go! go! Let's go.


# grep -n '^[^a-zA-Z]' regular_express.txt 

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
17:#I am VBird
  • 使用$,匹配以$前面的字符为结尾的行



# grep -n '\.$' regular_express.txt

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
5:However,this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
6:GNU is free air not free beer.
7:I can't finish the test.
9:motorcycle is cheap than car.
10:the symbol '*' is represented as star.
11:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
12:You are the best is menu you are the no.1.
13:The world is the same with 'glad'.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
16:go! go! Let's go.
  • 使用’^$’,匹配空行
# grep -n '^$' regular_express.txt
  • 使用-v ‘^$’,匹配非空行
# grep -vn '^$' regular_express.txt 

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
5:However,this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
6:GNU is free air not free beer.
7:I can't finish the test.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
9:motorcycle is cheap than car.
10:the symbol '*' is represented as star.
11:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
12:You are the best is menu you are the no.1.
13:The world is the same with 'glad'.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!
16:go! go! Let's go.
17:#I am VBird
  • 任意一个字符. 与重复字符 *

在bash中,*代表通配符,用来代表任意个字符,但是在正则表达式中,含义却不同,*表示有0个或多个某字符。例如oo*,表示第一个o一定存在,第二个o可以有一个或多个,也可以没有,因此代表至少一个o。.代表任意一个字符必须存在。 g??d 可以用’g..d’ 表示,其中good,gxxd,gabd都符合。


# grep -n 'g..d' regular_express.txt 

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
13:The world is the same with 'glad'.


// 'ooo*'的前两个o一定存在,第三个o*表示可没有,也可有多个。

# grep -n 'ooo*' regular_express.txt 

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!


# grep -n 'goo*g' regular_express.txt 

14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!


// .*表示0个或多个任意字符

# grep -n 'g.*g' regular_express.txt   

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
11:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!
16:go! go! Let's go.
  • 指定连续重复字符的个数范围{ }

. *只能限制0个或多个,如果要确切的限定重复字符的数量,需要用{范围} 。用,隔开2,5,表示2~5个;2,表示2到更多个。注意,由于{ }在SHELL中有特殊意义,因此作为正则表达式用时,需要\转义,即\{ \}


# grep -n 'o\{2\}' regular_express.txt 

1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
8:Oh! the soup taste good!
14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!


# grep -n 'go\{2,5\}g' regular_express.txt 

14:google is the best tools for search keyword.


# grep -n 'go\{2,\}g' regular_express.txt 

14:google is the best tools for search keyword.
15:goooooogle yes!

注意,如果想让[]中的^-不表示特殊意义,可以放在[]中的后面。'[^a-z\.!^ -]'表示没有小写字母,没有.和!,没有空格,没有-的字符串,注意[ ]里面有个小空格。shell的反向选择为[!range],正则表达式为 [^range]。

3. grep与扩展正则表达式


  • 去除空白行和行首为#的行
# grep -v '^$' regular_express.txt | grep -v '^#'

"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
apple is my favorite food.
Football game is not use feet only.
this dress doesn't fit me.


# egrep -v '^$|^#' regular_express.txt 

"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
apple is my favorite food.
Football game is not use feet only.
this dress doesn't fit me.

注意,grep只支持基础表达式,而egrep支持扩展表达式。其实egrep是grep -E 的别名而已,因此grep -E支持扩展正则表达式。这里的|表示或,即满足^$或者^#的字符串。





(),将部分内容合成一个单元组。比如要搜索glad或good,可以这样'g(la|oo)d'。()的好处是可以对小组使用+ ? *等。比如要搜索以A和C的开头和结尾,中间有至少一个(xyz)的串,可以这样:'A+(xyz)C'

4. 参考文章

