class Node: def __init__(self,value=None): self.value = value self.next = None class LinkList: def __init__(self,head = None): self.head = head def get_head_node(self): """ 获取头部节点 """ return self.head def append(self,value) : """ 从尾部添加元素 """ node = Node(value = value) cursor = self.head if self.head is None: self.head = node else: while cursor.next is not None: cursor = cursor.next cursor.next = node if value==4: node.next = self.head def traverse_list(self): head = self.get_head_node() cursor = head while cursor is not None: print(cursor.value) cursor = cursor.next print("traverse_over") def hasCycle(self,head): """ :type head: ListNode :rtype: bool """ slow=fast=head while slow and fast and fast.next: slow = slow.next fast = fast.next.next if slow is fast: return True return False def main(): l = LinkList() l.append(1) l.append(2) l.append(3) l.append(4) head = l.get_head_node() print(l.hasCycle(head)) #l.traverse_list() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
可以用 set 存放每一个 节点,这样每次 访问后把节点丢到这个集合里面.
其实 可以遍历这个单链表,访问过后,
如果这个节点 不在 set 里面,把这个节点放入到 set 集合里面.
如果这个节点在 set 里面,说明曾经访问过,所以这个链表有重新 走到了这个节点,因此一定有环
如果链表都走完了,把所有的节点都放完了. 还是没有重复的节点,那说明没有环.