class Person :
def __init__(self,name,ID,age,location,destination):
self.name = name
self.ID = ID
self.age = age
self.location = location
self.destination = destination
def introduce_myself(self):
print("Hi,my name is " + self.name + ",my ID number is " + str(self.ID) + " I am " + str(self.age) + " years old")
import People
Fred = People.Person("Fred",12323,13,"New York","Ithaca")
[Rohan,111111,28,Ithaca,New Caanan]
[Oat,111112,20,New York City]
[Darius,111113,12,Los Angeles,Ithaca]
[Nick,111114,26,New Caanan,Ithaca]
[Jennifer,111117,56,New Caanan]
[Angela,111118,22,New York City,Los Angeles]
[Arista,111119,66,Los Angeles]
instances = {} #use a dictionary to store the instances
#open the file using `with` statement,it'll automatically close the
#file for you
with open('abc') as f:
next(f) #skip header
for line in f: #now iterate over the file line by line
data = line.strip('[]').split(',') #strip [] first and then split at ','
#for first line it'll return:
#['Rohan','111111','28','Ithaca','New Caanan'],a list object
#Now we can use the first item of this list as the key
#and store the instance in the instances dict
#Note that if the names are not always unique then it's better to use ID as the
#key for the dict,i.e instances[data[1]] = Person(*data)
instances[data[0]] = Person(*data) # *data unpacks the data list into Person
#Example: call Rohan's introduce_myself
Hi,my name is Rohan,my ID number is 111111 I am 28 years old