我试过按照this guide,但它返回一个完全黑色的图像.
import numpy as np import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from skimage.morphology import extrema from skimage.morphology import watershed as skwater def ShowImage(title,img,ctype): if ctype=='bgr': b,g,r = cv2.split(img) # get b,r rgb_img = cv2.merge([r,b]) # switch it to rgb plt.imshow(rgb_img) elif ctype=='hsv': rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) plt.imshow(rgb) elif ctype=='gray': plt.imshow(img,cmap='gray') elif ctype=='rgb': plt.imshow(img) else: raise Exception("Unknown colour type") plt.title(title) plt.show()
#Read in image img = cv2.imread('cells.jpg') ShowImage('Original','bgr')
您链接的文章建议使用Otsu’s method进行颜色分割.该方法假设可以将图像的像素强度绘制成双峰直方图,并找到该直方图的最佳分离器.我应用以下方法.
#Convert to a single,grayscale channel gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #Threshold the image to binary using Otsu's method ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU) ShowImage('Grayscale',gray,'gray') ShowImage('Applying Otsu',thresh,'gray')
#Make a histogram of the intensities in the grayscale image plt.hist(gray.ravel(),256) plt.show()
解决此问题的一种方法是基于颜色阈值处理来执行分割.为此,您需要选择一个可用的色彩空间.This guide具有对不同空间的出色图像描述.
cell_hsvmin = (110,40,145) #Lower end of the HSV range defining the nuclei cell_hsvmax = (150,190,255) #Upper end of the HSV range defining the nuclei #Transform image to HSV color space hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #Threshold based on HSV values color_thresh = cv2.inRange(hsv,cell_hsvmin,cell_hsvmax) ShowImage('Color Threshold',color_thresh,'gray') masked = cv2.bitwise_and(img,mask=color_thresh) ShowImage('Color Threshold Maksed',masked,'bgr')
这看起来好多了!虽然,注意到细胞内部的某些部分被标记为核,即使它们不应该.人们还可以说它不是很自动:你还需要仔细挑选你的颜色.在HSV空间中操作消除了大量的猜测,但也许我们可以使用有四种不同颜色的事实来消除对范围的需求!为此,我们将HSV像素传递到k-means clustering algorithm.
#Convert pixel space to an array of triplets. These are vectors in 3-space. Z = hsv.reshape((-1,3)) #Convert to floating point Z = np.float32(Z) #Define the K-means criteria,these are not too important criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER,10,1.0) #Define the number of clusters to find K = 4 #Perform the k-means transformation. What we get back are: #*Centers: The coordinates at the center of each 3-space cluster #*Labels: Numeric labels for each cluster #*Ret: A return code indicating whether the algorithm converged,&c. ret,label,center = cv2.kmeans(Z,K,None,criteria,cv2.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS) #Produce an image using only the center colours of the clusters center = np.uint8(center) khsv = center[label.flatten()] khsv = khsv.reshape((img.shape)) ShowImage('K-means',khsv,'hsv') #Reshape labels for masking label = label.reshape(img.shape[0:2]) ShowImage('K-means Labels','gray')
请注意,这样做可以很好地分离颜色而无需手动指定! (除了指定簇数之外.)
#(Distance,Label) pairs nucleus_colour = np.array([139,106,192]) cell_colour = np.array([130,41,207]) nuclei_label = (np.inf,-1) cell_label = (np.inf,-1) for l,c in enumerate(center): print(l,c) dist_nuc = np.sum(np.square(c-nucleus_colour)) #Euclidean distance between colours if dist_nuc<nuclei_label[0]: nuclei_label=(dist_nuc,l) dist_cell = np.sum(np.square(c-cell_colour)) #Euclidean distance between colours if dist_cell<cell_label[0]: cell_label=(dist_cell,l) nuclei_label = nuclei_label[1] cell_label = cell_label[1] print("Nuclei label={0},cell label={1}".format(nuclei_label,cell_label))
#Multiply by 1 to keep image in an integer format suitable for OpenCV thresh = cv2.bitwise_or(1*(label==nuclei_label),1*(label==cell_label)) thresh = np.uint8(thresh) ShowImage('Binary','gray')
#Remove noise by eliminating single-pixel patches kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8) @R_403_126@ = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel,iterations = 2) ShowImage('@R_403_126@',@R_403_126@,'gray')
#Identify areas which are surely foreground fraction_foreground = 0.75 dist = cv2.distanceTransform(@R_403_126@,cv2.DIST_L2,5) ret,sure_fg = cv2.threshold(dist,fraction_foreground*dist.max(),0) ShowImage('Distance',dist_transform,'gray') ShowImage('Surely Foreground',sure_fg,'gray')
#Identify areas which are surely foreground h_fraction = 0.1 dist = cv2.distanceTransform(@R_403_126@,5) maxima = extrema.h_maxima(dist,h_fraction*dist.max()) print("Peaks found: {0}".format(np.sum(maxima))) #Dilate the maxima so we can see them maxima = cv2.dilate(maxima,iterations=2) ShowImage('Distance',maxima,'gray')
# Finding unknown region unknown = cv2.subtract(@R_403_126@,maxima) ShowImage('Unknown',unknown,'gray')
# Marker labelling ret,markers = cv2.connectedComponents(maxima) ShowImage('Connected Components',markers,'rgb') # Add one to all labels so that sure background is not 0,but 1 markers = markers+1 # Now,mark the region of unknown with zero markers[unknown==np.max(unknown)] = 0 ShowImage('markers','rgb') dist = cv2.distanceTransform(@R_403_126@,5) markers = skwater(-dist,watershed_line=True) ShowImage('Watershed','rgb') imgout = img.copy() imgout[markers == 0] = [0,255] #Label the watershed_line ShowImage('img',imgout,'bgr')
for l in np.unique(markers): if l==0: #Watershed line continue if l==1: #Background continue #For displaying individual cells #temp=khsv.copy() #temp[markers!=l]=0 #ShowImage('out',temp,'hsv') temp = label.copy() temp[markers!=l]=-1 nucleus_area = np.sum(temp==nuclei_label) cell_area = np.sum(temp==cell_label) print("Nucleus fraction for cell {0} is {1}".format(l,nucleus_area/(cell_area+nucleus_area)))
Nucleus fraction for cell 2 is 0.9002795899347623 Nucleus fraction for cell 3 is 0.7953321364452424 Nucleus fraction for cell 4 is 0.7525925925925926 Nucleus fraction for cell 5 is 0.8151515151515152 Nucleus fraction for cell 6 is 0.6808656818962556 Nucleus fraction for cell 7 is 0.8276481149012568 Nucleus fraction for cell 8 is 0.878500237304224 Nucleus fraction for cell 9 is 0.8342518016108521 Nucleus fraction for cell 10 is 0.9742324561403509 Nucleus fraction for cell 11 is 0.8728733459357277 Nucleus fraction for cell 12 is 0.7968570333461096 Nucleus fraction for cell 13 is 0.8226831716293075 Nucleus fraction for cell 14 is 0.7491039426523297 Nucleus fraction for cell 15 is 0.839096357768557 Nucleus fraction for cell 16 is 0.7589670014347202 Nucleus fraction for cell 17 is 0.8559168925022583 Nucleus fraction for cell 18 is 0.7534142640364189 Nucleus fraction for cell 19 is 0.8036734693877551 Nucleus fraction for cell 20 is 0.7566037735849057