
我现在有一个处于奇怪状态的Mercurial存储库.这就是TortoiseHG的样子: @H_502_2@我不认为这是可能的.修订版54具有父“1(000000000000)”(即没有).显然我对Mercurial还有一些不了解的事情,任何人都可以让我知道这意味着什么 – 以及进入这种状态必然会发生什么.据我所知,它只是推送和拉出它的东西 – 并没有人使用任何古怪的扩展.




当您查看 definition of a changeset时,您会看到:
@H_502_2@Each changeset has zero,one or two parent changesets:

  • It has two parent changesets,if the commit was a merge.
  • It has no parent,if the changeset is a root in the repository.
    There may be multiple roots in a repository (normally,there is only one),each representing the start of a branch.
@H_502_2@“Updating” back to a changeset which already has a child,changing files and then committing creates a new child changeset,thus starting a new branch. Branches can be named.




@H_502_2@>用--close-branch option进行53投票,


@H_502_2@--close-branch doesn’t do anything except hide a branch from a list,and it’s undone next time you commit on that branch. It won’t create multiple roots.

@H_502_2@VonC is right in his diagnosis,multiple heads.
But no combination of ‘update‘ and ‘commit‘ will get you into that state.
To end up with multiple roots one usually has done a ‘hg pull‘ from repo and used --force to override an “unrelated repositories” warning.

@H_502_2@(“无父”,表示父ID设置为00000,见“behind the scene”

@H_502_2@alt text http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/figs/revlog.png)
