@H_404_4@class A(object): def test(self): return "TEST" def __call__(self): return "EXAMPLE" a = A() print("call method: {0}".format(a.__call__)) print("test method: {0}".format(a.test)) a.__call__ = lambda : "example" a.test = lambda : "test" print("call method: {0}".format(a.__call__)) print("test method: {0}".format(a.test)) print(a()) print("Explicit call: {0}".format(a.__call__())) print(a.test())输出:
@H_404_4@call method: <bound method A.__call__ of <__main__.A object at 0x7f3f2d60b6a0>> test method: <bound method A.test of <__main__.A object at 0x7f3f2d60b6a0>> call method: <function <lambda> at 0x7f3f2ef4ef28> test method: <function <lambda> at 0x7f3f2d5f8f28> EXAMPLE Explicit call: example test虽然我想输出:
@H_404_4@... example Explicit call: example test我如何monkeypatch __call __()?为什么我不能像修补其他方法那样修补它?
虽然this answer告诉我们该怎么做(据说,我还没有测试过),但它没有解释为什么这个问题的部分原因.
J.J. Hakala评论的那样,Python真正做的是调用:
@H_404_4@class A(object): def test(self): return "TEST" def __call__(self): return "EXAMPLE" def patch_call(instance,func): class _(type(instance)): def __call__(self,*arg,**kwarg): return func(*arg,**kwarg) instance.__class__ = _ a = A() print("call method: {0}".format(a.__call__)) print("test method: {0}".format(a.test)) patch_call(a,lambda : "example") a.test = lambda : "test" print("call method: {0}".format(a.__call__)) print("test method: {0}".format(a.test)) print("{0}".format(a())) print("Explicit a.__call__: {0}".format(a.__call__())) print("{0}".format(a.test())) print("Check instance of a: {0}".format(isinstance(a,A)))运行它会产生以下输出:
@H_404_4@call method: <bound method A.__call__ of <__main__.A object at 0x7f404217a5f8>> test method: <bound method A.test of <__main__.A object at 0x7f404217a5f8>> call method: <bound method patch_call.<locals>._.__call__ of <__main__.patch_call.<locals>._ object at 0x7f404217a5f8>> test method: <function <lambda> at 0x7f404216d048> example Explicit a.__call__: example test Check instance of a: True