cursor = connection.cursor() for item in items: try: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO items (name,description) VALUES (%s,%s) RETURNING id",(item[0],item[1]) ) id = cursor.fetchone[0] if id is not None: cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO item_tags (item,tag) VALUES (%s,(id,'some_tag') ) except psycopg2.Error: connection.rollback() print("Postgresql Error: " + e.diag.message_primary) continue print(item[0]) connection.commit()
Graceful Primary Key Error handling in Python/psycopg2:
You should rollback transaction on error.
I’ve added one more try..except..else construction in the code bellow
to show the exact place where exception will occur.
try: cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO items (name,description) VALUES (%s,%s) RETURNING id""",item[1])) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: conn.rollback() else: conn.commit() cur.close() except Exception,e: print 'ERROR:',e[0]