Synametrics WinSQL Pro

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Synametrics WinSQL Pro前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
Synametrics Winsql Pro | 20,7 MB Database development can be a tedious and time-consuming job - often monopolizing the valuable time and efforts of developers. Winsql is an ODBC compliant database development solution that streamlines day-to-day tasks related to databases. Winsql works with any ODBC compliant database including,but not limited to,Oracle,Sybase,DB2,MS sql Server,Informix,MS Access,MysqL,Postgresql,and more. Winsql's simple,yet powerful,graphical user interface allows you to easily submit sql queries,browse the database catalog,view the relationships among different entities,and more. Winsql uses database specific plugins to extend default ODBC behavIoUr - in other words these plugins start where ODBC ends. With Winsql you can: # Database administrators can easily and effectively manage any relational database # Programmers can quickly write sql statements,capture their response time and convert them into code # Get Metadata for tables,views,stored procedures,triggers,rules,etc. # Learn how to write sql statements by using wizards that build sql for you # Transfer data from one source to another # Reverse engineer a database # Draw E/R Diagrams # Generate test data with millions of meaningful rows # Find structural differences between two databases # Find data differences between two tables in different databases

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