After many years of development,Postgresql has become feature-complete in many areas. This release shows a targeted approach to adding features (e.g.,authentication,monitoring,space reuse),and adds capabilities defined in the later sql standards. The major areas of enhancement are:
经过多年开发后,Postgresql 在很多方面都具有了完备的功能。这次发布定位于添加功能(例如授权、监控、空间回收),以及添加最新 sql 标准中的新功能。主要的增强在于以下几个方面:
- Windowing Functions Windowing 函数
- Common Table Expressions and Recursive Queries 通用表表达式和递归查询
- Default and variadic parameters for functions 函数的默认和动态参数
- Parallel Restore 并行恢复
- Column Permissions 列权限
- Per-database locale settings 每数据库区域设置
- Improved hash indexes 优化哈希索引
- Improved join performance for EXISTS and NOT EXISTS queries 对于 EXISTS 和 NOT EXISTS 查询优化了查询性能
- Easier-to-use Warm Standby 易用的温备
- Automatic sizing of the Free Space Map 可用空间映射自动伸缩
- Visibility Map (greatly reduces vacuum overhead for slowly-changing tables) 视界映射 (大大缩减了很少变化的表进行优化的负载)
- Version-aware psql (backslash commands work against older servers) 依赖版本的 psql (旧的服务器上没有的反斜杠命令)
- Support SSL certificates for user authentication 支持 SSL 认证的用户身份验证。
- Per-function runtime statistics 每函数运行时统计
- Easy editing of functions in psql psql 函数更容易编辑
- New contrib modules: pg_stat_statements,auto_explain,citext,btree_gin 新的附加模块:pg_stat_statements, auto_explain, citext, btree_gin
Postgresql 8.4 Releas Note 我已经翻译完成,完整版本在 但是我估计我那个免费空间抗不住这么大访问压力,所以会逐篇把主要内容放在这里。
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