




话说main()->…->PostmasterMain()->…->reset_shared() ->CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores()>…->WalSndShmemInit(),调用ShmemInitStruct(),在其中调用hash_search()在哈希表索引"ShmemIndex"中查找"Wal Sender Ctl",如果没有,就在shmemIndex中给"Wal Sender Ctl"分一个HashElement和ShmemIndexEnt(entry),在其中的Entry中写上"WalSender Ctl"。返回ShmemInitStruct(),再调用ShmemAlloc()在共享内存上给"WalSender Ctl"相关结构(见下面“Wal Sender CtlWal Receiver Ctl相关结构图”)分配空间,设置entry(在这儿及ShmemIndexEnt类型变量)的成员location指向该空间,size成员记录该空间大小,最后返回WalSndShmemInit(),让WalSndCtlData*类型全局变量WalSndCtl指向所分配内存,初始化WalSndCtlData结构类型的成员值。

接着WalRcvShmemInit()-> ShmemInitStruct(),在其中调用hash_search()在哈希表索引"ShmemIndex"中查找"Wal Receiver Ctl",如果没有,就在shmemIndex中给"Wal Receiver Ctl"分一个HashElement和ShmemIndexEnt(entry),在其中的Entry中写上"WalReceiver Ctl"。返回ShmemInitStruct(),再调用ShmemAlloc()在共享内存上给"WalReceiver Ctl"相关结构(见下面“Wal Sender CtlWal Receiver Ctl相关结构图”)分配空间,设置entry(在这儿及ShmemIndexEnt类型变量)的成员location指向该空间,size成员记录该空间大小,最后返回WalRcvShmemInit(),让WalRcvData*类型全局变量WalRcv指向所分配内存,初始化WalRcvData结构类型的成员值。


typedef enum WalSndState






} WalSndState;


* Each walsender has a WalSnd structin shared memory.


typedef struct WalSnd


pid_t pid; /* this walsender's process id,or 0 */

WalSndState state; /* this walsender's state */

XLogRecPtr sentPtr; /* WAL has been sent up to this point */


* The xloglocations that have been written,flushed,and applied by

* standby-side. These maybe invalid if the standby-side has not offered

* values yet.


XLogRecPtr write;

XLogRecPtr flush;

XLogRecPtr apply;

/* Protects shared variables shown above.*/

slock_t mutex;


* Latch used by backendsto wake up this walsender when it has work to

* do.


Latch latch;


* The priority order ofthe standby managed by this WALSender,as listed

* insynchronous_standby_names,or 0 if not-listed. Protected by

* SyncRepLock.


int sync_standby_priority;

} WalSnd;

extern WalSnd *MyWalSnd;

/* There is one WalSndCtl structfor the whole database cluster */

typedef struct



* Synchronous replicationqueue. Protected by SyncRepLock.


SHM_QUEUE SyncRepQueue;


* Current location of thehead of the queue. All waiters should have a

* waitLSN that followsthis value. Protected by SyncRepLock.


XLogRecPtr lsn;


* Are any sync standbysdefined? Waiting backends can'treload the

* config filesafely,so WAL writer updates this value as needed.

* Protected bySyncRepLock.


bool sync_standbys_defined;

WalSnd walsnds[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */

} WalSndCtlData;

extern WalSndCtlData *WalSndCtl;

typedef enum


WALRCV_STOPPED,/* stopped and mustn't start up again */

WALRCV_STARTING,/* launched,but the process hasn't

*initialized yet */

WALRCV_RUNNING,/* walreceiver is running */

WALRCV_STOPPING /* requested to stop,but still running */

} WalRcvState;

/* Shared memory area formanagement of walreceiver process */

typedef struct



* PID of currently active walreceiverprocess,its current state and

* start time (actually,the time at which it was requested to be

* started).


pid_t pid;

WalRcvState walRcvState;

pg_time_t startTime;


* receiveStart is thefirst byte position that will be received. When

* startup process startsthe walreceiver,it sets receiveStart to the

* point where it wants thestreaming to begin.


XLogRecPtr receiveStart;


* receivedUpto-1 is thelast byte position that has already been

* received. At the first startup of walreceiver,receivedUpto is set to

* receiveStart. Afterthat,walreceiver updates this whenever it flushes

* the received WAL todisk.


XLogRecPtr receivedUpto;


* latestChunkStart is thestarting byte position of the current "batch"

* of received WAL. It's actually the same as the prevIoUs valueof

* receivedUpto before thelast flush to disk. Startup process canuse

* this to detect whetherit's keeping up or not.


XLogRecPtr latestChunkStart;


* connection string; isused for walreceiver to connect with the primary.


char conninfo[MAXCONNINFO];

slock_t mutex; /* locks shared variables shown above */

} WalRcvData;

extern WalRcvData *WalRcv;

初始化完Wal Receiver CtlWal Receiver Ctl相关结构的共享内存结构图


Wal Sender CtlWal Receiver Ctl相关结构图


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