create table parent_table( id int,name character varying(20),create_time timestamp without time zone);
create table parent_table_2012_01( check (create_time>=date '2012-01-01' and create_time<date '2012-02-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_02( check (create_time>=date '2012-02-01' and create_time<date '2012-03-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_03( check (create_time>=date '2012-03-01' and create_time<date '2012-04-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_04( check (create_time>=date '2012-04-01' and create_time<date '2012-05-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_05( check (create_time>=date '2012-05-01' and create_time<date '2012-06-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_06( check (create_time>=date '2012-06-01' and create_time<date '2012-07-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_07( check (create_time>=date '2012-07-01' and create_time<date '2012-08-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_08( check (create_time>=date '2012-08-01' and create_time<date '2012-09-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_09( check (create_time>=date '2012-09-01' and create_time<date '2012-10-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_10( check (create_time>=date '2012-10-01' and create_time<date '2012-11-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_11( check (create_time>=date '2012-11-01' and create_time<date '2012-12-01')) inherits(parent_table);
create table parent_table_2012_12( check (create_time>=date '2012-12-01' and create_time<date '2013-01-01')) inherits(parent_table);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test.tri_parent_tab_insert() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ --author: kenyon --created:2012-05-24 BEGIN IF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-01-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-02-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_01 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.name,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-02-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-03-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_02 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-03-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-04-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_03 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-04-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-05-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_04 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-05-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-06-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_05 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-06-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-07-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_06 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-07-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-08-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_07 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-08-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-09-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_08 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-09-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-10-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_09 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-10-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-11-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_10 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-11-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2012-12-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_11 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSIF ( NEW.create_time >= DATE '2012-12-01' AND NEW.create_time < DATE '2013-01-01' ) THEN INSERT INTO test.parent_table_2012_12 VALUES (NEW.id,NEW.create_time); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range.Fix the test.parent_table_insert_trigger() function!'; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER tri_insert_parent_table BEFORE INSERT ON test.parent_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE test.tri_parent_tab_insert();
kenyon=# select count(1) from test.parent_table_2012_03; count --------- 2293760 (1 row)
kenyon=# select count(1) from test.parent_table; count --------- 2293761 (1 row)
kenyon=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('test.parent_table_2012_03')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 106 MB (1 row)
kenyon=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('test.parent_table')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 8192 bytes
(1 row)
6.总结: a.可以看到实际的数据是存放在子表里去了,父表是没数据的。 b.这么做前端开发会省去不少工作,但是后端DB会增加不少压力,可以后端建好分区表,前端直接按时间插入分区表中去,可减少因触发器带来的DB压力。 c.可以单独对分区表进行DML或者DDL操作,如truncate。 d.通过explain查看查询是否走得分区,如果未走分区,检查sql语法和与之相关的系统参数,如constraint_exclusion是否是partition的