1.将文档分词(parsing documents into tokens)
2.转换分词规则(converting tokens into lexemes),如去掉复数后缀s/es,以及加入stop词,使之不会在分词中出现,如常用的'的'
3.按一定顺序查询的优化方式存储(storing preprocessed documents optimized for searching) tsvector存储,使用tsquery查询
postgres=# show default_text_search_config ; default_text_search_config ---------------------------- pg_catalog.english (1 row) --全文检索配置 postgres=# \dF List of text search configurations Schema | Name | Description ------------+------------+--------------------------------------- pg_catalog | danish | configuration for danish language pg_catalog | dutch | configuration for dutch language pg_catalog | english | configuration for english language pg_catalog | finnish | configuration for finnish language pg_catalog | french | configuration for french language pg_catalog | german | configuration for german language pg_catalog | hungarian | configuration for hungarian language pg_catalog | italian | configuration for italian language pg_catalog | norwegian | configuration for norwegian language pg_catalog | portuguese | configuration for portuguese language pg_catalog | romanian | configuration for romanian language pg_catalog | russian | configuration for russian language pg_catalog | simple | simple configuration pg_catalog | spanish | configuration for spanish language pg_catalog | swedish | configuration for swedish language pg_catalog | turkish | configuration for turkish language (16 rows) --全文检索查看russian具体配置 postgres=# \dF+ russian Text search configuration "pg_catalog.russian" Parser: "pg_catalog.default" Token | Dictionaries -----------------+-------------- asciihword | english_stem asciiword | english_stem email | simple file | simple float | simple host | simple hword | russian_stem hword_asciipart | english_stem hword_numpart | simple hword_part | russian_stem int | simple numhword | simple numword | simple sfloat | simple uint | simple url | simple url_path | simple version | simple word | russian_stem --查看全文检索模板 postgres=# \dFt+ List of text search templates Schema | Name | Init | Lexize | Description ------------+-----------+----------------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | ispell | dispell_init | dispell_lexize | ispell dictionary pg_catalog | simple | dsimple_init | dsimple_lexize | simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword pg_catalog | snowball | dsnowball_init | dsnowball_lexize | snowball stemmer pg_catalog | synonym | dsynonym_init | dsynonym_lexize | synonym dictionary: replace word by its synonym pg_catalog | thesaurus | thesaurus_init | thesaurus_lexize | thesaurus dictionary: phrase by phrase substitution (5 rows) --全文检索字典 postgres=# \dFd+ List of text search dictionaries Schema | Name | Template | Init options | Description ------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------- pg_catalog | danish_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'danish',stopwords = 'danish' | snowball stemmer for danish language pg_catalog | dutch_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'dutch',stopwords = 'dutch' | snowball stemmer for dutch language pg_catalog | english_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'english',stopwords = 'english' | snowball stemmer for english language pg_catalog | finnish_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'finnish',stopwords = 'finnish' | snowball stemmer for finnish language pg_catalog | french_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'french',stopwords = 'french' | snowball stemmer for french language pg_catalog | german_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'german',stopwords = 'german' | snowball stemmer for german language pg_catalog | hungarian_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'hungarian',stopwords = 'hungarian' | snowball stemmer for hungarian language pg_catalog | italian_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'italian',stopwords = 'italian' | snowball stemmer for italian language pg_catalog | norwegian_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'norwegian',stopwords = 'norwegian' | snowball stemmer for norwegian language pg_catalog | portuguese_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'portuguese',stopwords = 'portuguese' | snowball stemmer for portuguese language pg_catalog | romanian_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'romanian' | snowball stemmer for romanian language pg_catalog | russian_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'russian',stopwords = 'russian' | snowball stemmer for russian language pg_catalog | simple | pg_catalog.simple | | simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword pg_catalog | spanish_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'spanish',stopwords = 'spanish' | snowball stemmer for spanish language pg_catalog | swedish_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'swedish',stopwords = 'swedish' | snowball stemmer for swedish language pg_catalog | turkish_stem | pg_catalog.snowball | language = 'turkish',stopwords = 'turkish' | snowball stemmer for turkish language --查看全文检索分析器,带加号可看详细配置,命令\dFp+ postgres=# \dFp List of text search parsers Schema | Name | Description ------------+---------------+--------------------- pg_catalog | chineseparser | pg_catalog | default | default word parser (2 rows)参数和配置文件的具体位置一般在$PGHOME/SHARE里面,stop词是存放在$PGHOME/share/tsearch_data下面的
postgres=# SELECT 'a fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat'::tsvector @@ 'cat & rat'::tsquery as search; search -------- t (1 row) postgres=# SELECT 'fat & cow'::tsquery @@ 'a fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat'::tsvector as search; search -------- f (1 row) postgres=# SELECT to_tsvector('fat cats ate fat rats') @@ to_tsquery('fat & rat') as search; search -------- t (1 row) postgres=# SELECT 'fat cats ate fat rats'::tsvector @@ to_tsquery('fat & rat') as search; search -------- f (1 row) --默认的english分词,to_tevector区别于::tsvector是前者会加工分词,后者默认是加工好了 postgres=# SELECT to_tsvector('english','fat cats ate fat rats') @@ to_tsquery('english','fat & rat') as search; search -------- t (1 row) --plainto_tsquery不却分分隔符,权重标签 postgres=# SELECT plainto_tsquery('english','The Fat & Rats:C'); plainto_tsquery --------------------- 'fat' & 'rat' & 'c' (1 行记录) --分词之间不会区分分隔符,每个分词之间插入&;,::tsquery和to_tsquery则必须要用到 postgres=# SELECT plainto_tsquery('english','The Fat Rats'); plainto_tsquery ----------------- 'fat' & 'rat' (1 行记录) postgres=# SELECT 'The & Fat & Rats'::tsquery; tsquery ------------------------ 'The' & 'Fat' & 'Rats' (1 行记录) postgres=# SELECT to_tsquery('english','The & Fat & Rats'); to_tsquery --------------- 'fat' & 'rat' (1 行记录)三、对全文检索建立索引
CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING gin(to_tsvector('english',body));
CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING gin(to_tsvector(config_name,body)); --组合索引,config_name是表pgweb的一个字段
CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING gin(to_tsvector('english',title || ' ' || body));
ALTER TABLE pgweb ADD COLUMN textsearchable_index_col tsvector; --新建字段列类型是tsvector
UPDATE pgweb SET textsearchable_index_col = to_tsvector('english',coalesce(title,'') || ' ' || coalesce(body,'')); CREATE INDEX textsearch_idx ON pgweb USING gin(textsearchable_index_col);
SELECT title FROM pgweb WHERE textsearchable_index_col @@ to_tsquery('create & table') ORDER BY last_mod_date DESC LIMIT 10;
CREATE TABLE messages ( title text,body text,tsv tsvector ); CREATE TRIGGER tsvectorupdate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON messages FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(tsv,'pg_catalog.english',title,body); INSERT INTO messages VALUES('title here','the body text is here'); postgres=# select * from messages; title | body | tsv ------------+-----------------------+---------------------------- title here | the body text is here | 'bodi':4 'text':5 'titl':1 (1 row) postgres=# SELECT title,body FROM messages WHERE tsv @@ to_tsquery('title & body'); title | body ------------+----------------------- title here | the body text is here (1 row)--ts_stat的使用
--寻找文档中出现词汇的排序 -- nentry是总的出现次数 -- ndoc是文档中(tsvector)出现的次数,重复的记为1次 postgres=# select * from messages; title | body | tsv ----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- title here | the body text is here | 'bodi':4 'text':5 'titl':1 kenyon | a chinese boy | 'boy':4 'chines':3 'kenyon':1 Andy Roddick retired | Andy Roddick retired,a former rank number 1 player in tennis | '1':11 'andi':1,4 'former':8 'number':10 'player':12 'rank':9 'retir':3,6 'roddick':2,5 'tenni':14 kenyon retired | kenyon retired,a open-source lover,inserting in this area | 'area':13 'insert':10 'kenyon':1,3 'lover':9 'open':7 'open-sourc':6 'retir':2,4 'sourc':8 Michael Jordan | MJ is an American former professional basketball player | 'american':6 'basketbal':9 'former':7 'jordan':2 'michael':1 'mj':3 'player':10 'profession':8 (5 rows) postgres=# SELECT * FROM ts_stat('SELECT tsv FROM messages') ORDER BY nentry DESC,ndoc DESC,word LIMIT 10; word | ndoc | nentry -----------+------+-------- retir | 2 | 4 kenyon | 2 | 3 former | 2 | 2 player | 2 | 2 andi | 1 | 2 roddick | 1 | 2 1 | 1 | 1 american | 1 | 1 area | 1 | 1 basketbal | 1 | 1 (10 rows)五、全文检索的限制
1.The length of each lexeme must be less than 2K bytes
2.The length of a tsvector (lexemes + positions) must be less than 1 megabyte
3.The number of lexemes must be less than 264
4.Position values in tsvector must be greater than 0 and no more than 16,383 No more than 256 positions per lexeme 5.The number of nodes (lexemes + operators) in a tsquery must be less than 32,768
六、总结: 以上是Postgresql内置的全文检索的环境和实际使用例子,目前对中文的全文检索并不支持,但已经有比较好的第三方工具结合使用,下一篇继续Postgresql中文全文检索环境搭建和实际使用。