= | equal | ARRAY[1.1,2.1,3.1]::int[] = ARRAY[1,2,3] | t | @H_301_4@<> | not equal | ARRAY[1,3] <> ARRAY[1,4] | t | @H_301_4@< | less than | ARRAY[1,3] < ARRAY[1,4] | t | @H_301_4@> | greater than | ARRAY[1,4,3] > ARRAY[1,4] | t | @H_301_4@<= | less than or equal | ARRAY[1,3] <= ARRAY[1,3] | t | @H_301_4@>= | greater than or equal | ARRAY[1,3] >= ARRAY[1,3] | t | @H_301_4@@> | contains | ARRAY[1,3] @> ARRAY[3,1] | t | @H_301_4@<@ | is contained by | ARRAY[2,7] <@ ARRAY[1,7,6] | t | @H_301_4@&& | overlap (have elements in common) | ARRAY[1,3] && ARRAY[2,1] | t | @H_301_4@|| | array-to-array concatenation | ARRAY[1,3] || ARRAY[4,5,6] | {1,3,6} | @H_301_4@|| | array-to-array concatenation | ARRAY[1,3] || ARRAY[[4,6],[7,8,9]] | {{1,3},{4,6},{7,9}} | @H_301_4@|| | element-to-array concatenation | 3 || ARRAY[4,6] | {3,6} | @H_301_4@|| | array-to-element concatenation | ARRAY[4,6] || 7 | {4,6,7} |
Array Functions
array_append (anyarray,anyelement) |
anyarray | append an element to the end of an array | array_append(ARRAY[1,2],3) | {1,3} | @H_301_4@array_cat (anyarray,anyarray) |
anyarray | concatenate two arrays | array_cat(ARRAY[1,3],ARRAY[4,5]) | {1,5} | @H_301_4@array_ndims (anyarray) |
int | returns the number of dimensions of the array | array_ndims(ARRAY[[1,[4,6]]) | 2 | @H_301_4@array_dims (anyarray) |
text | returns a text representation of array's dimensions | array_dims(ARRAY[[1,6]]) | [1:2][1:3] | @H_301_4@array_fill (anyelement,int[],[,int[]]) |
anyarray | returns an array initialized with supplied value and dimensions,optionally with lower bounds other than 1 | array_fill(7,ARRAY[3],ARRAY[2]) | [2:4]={7,7} | @H_301_4@array_length (anyarray,int) |
int | returns the length of the requested array dimension | array_length(array[1,1) | 3 | @H_301_4@array_lower (anyarray,int) |
int | returns lower bound of the requested array dimension | array_lower('[0:2]={1,3}'::int[],1) | 0 | @H_301_4@array_prepend (anyelement,anyarray) |
anyarray | append an element to the beginning of an array | array_prepend(1,ARRAY[2,3]) | {1,3} | @H_301_4@array_to_string (anyarray,text [,text]) |
text | concatenates array elements using supplied delimiter and optional null string | array_to_string(ARRAY[1,NULL,5],','*') | 1,*,5 | @H_301_4@array_upper (anyarray,int) |
int | returns upper bound of the requested array dimension | array_upper(ARRAY[1,7],1) | 4 | @H_301_4@string_to_array (text,text]) |
text[] | splits string into array elements using supplied delimiter and optional null string | string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz','~^~','yy') | {xx,zz} | @H_301_4@unnest (anyarray) |
setof anyelement | expand an array to a set of rows | unnest(ARRAY[1,2]) | 1 2(2 rows) |
1. pg中查看两个数组之间有多少个重叠的数据 并且去重的方法
example :
mrapp=# SELECT array( select UNNEST(array[1,3]) INTERSECT SELECT
UNNEST(array[2,4]) );
(1 行记录)
2. PG中没有现成的查询一个数组是否包含一个值的方法,但可以有替代方法
example : 查询 数组 {2,5} 中是否包含4
1> mrapp=# select array[2,5] @> array[4];
(1 行记录)
2> 自己封装函数 通过迭代循环吧
mrapp=# create or replace function array_contains_value(integer[],integer) retu
rns boolean as
mrapp-# $BODY$
mrapp$# declare
mrapp$# index integer;
mrapp$# begin
mrapp$# for index in 1..array_length($1,1) loop
mrapp$# if $1[index] = $2 then
mrapp$# return true;
mrapp$# end if;
mrapp$# end loop;
mrapp$# return false;
mrapp$# end;
mrapp$# $BODY$
mrapp-# language plpgsql;
mrapp=# select array_contains_value(array[2,4);
(1 行记录)
3. 数组转字符串