目前postgres9.3在官网上有4个安装包,分别是9.3.0(stable version)、9.3.0 beta1、9.3.0betal2和9.3.0rc版本(release candidate version),所以我们下载稳定的9.3.0 stable版本。
下载地址: http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/source/v9.3.0/
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW table_name [ (column_name [,...] ) ] [ WITH ( storage_parameter [= value] [,... ] ) ] [ TABLESPACE tablespace_name ] AS query [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ]二、说明
storage_parameter是存储参数,诸如填充因子(fillfactor)等,tablespace可以指定表空间,比较关键的是后面的as query with [no] data,后面示例描述
[postgres@primary ~]$ psql psql (9.3.0) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create table test_kenyon(id int,vname text); CREATE TABLE postgres=# insert into test_kenyon select generate_series(1,20),'kenyon good boy'||generate_series(1,20); INSERT 0 20 postgres=# select * from test_kenyon ; id | vname ----+------------------- 1 | kenyon good boy1 2 | kenyon good boy2 3 | kenyon good boy3 4 | kenyon good boy4 5 | kenyon good boy5 6 | kenyon good boy6 7 | kenyon good boy7 8 | kenyon good boy8 9 | kenyon good boy9 10 | kenyon good boy10 11 | kenyon good boy11 12 | kenyon good boy12 13 | kenyon good boy13 14 | kenyon good boy14 15 | kenyon good boy15 16 | kenyon good boy16 17 | kenyon good boy17 18 | kenyon good boy18 19 | kenyon good boy19 20 | kenyon good boy20 (20 rows)2.创建物化视图
postgres=# create materialized view mv_test_kenyon as select * from test_kenyon where id > 10; SELECT 10 postgres=# select * from mv_test_kenyon; id | vname ----+------------------- 11 | kenyon good boy11 12 | kenyon good boy12 13 | kenyon good boy13 14 | kenyon good boy14 15 | kenyon good boy15 16 | kenyon good boy16 17 | kenyon good boy17 18 | kenyon good boy18 19 | kenyon good boy19 20 | kenyon good boy20 (10 rows) postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+----------------+-------------------+----------+-------+------------- public | mv_test_kenyon | materialized view | postgres | 16 kB | public | test_kenyon | table | postgres | 16 kB | (2 rows) postgres=# \d mv_test_kenyon Materialized view "public.mv_test_kenyon" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+----------- id | integer | vname | text | --size有大小(默认空表是8kb,而这里是16kb)说明存储了数据,有相应的物理文件,并且有类似表的结构 --表和物化视图的文件地址 postgres=# select oid,pg_relation_filepath(oid),relpages from pg_class where relname = 'test_kenyon'; oid | pg_relation_filepath | relpages -------+----------------------+---------- 16396 | base/12896/16428 | 0 (1 row) postgres=# select oid,relpages from pg_class where relname = 'mv_test_kenyon'; oid | pg_relation_filepath | relpages -------+----------------------+---------- 16459 | base/12896/16459 | 0 (1 row)3.物化视图更新
postgres=# insert into test_kenyon values(21,'bad boy'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into test_kenyon values(22,'bad boy2'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from test_kenyon where id>20; id | vname ----+---------- 21 | bad boy 22 | bad boy2 (2 rows) postgres=# select * from mv_test_kenyon where id>20; id | vname ----+------- (0 rows) --物化视图的数据没有刷新过来 --刷新物化视图数据 postgres=# refresh materialized view mv_test_kenyon; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres=# select * from mv_test_kenyon where id>20; id | vname ----+---------- 21 | bad boy 22 | bad boy2 (2 rows) --使用with no data刷新 postgres=# insert into test_kenyon values(32,'bad boy3'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from mv_test_kenyon where id>20; id | vname ----+---------- 21 | bad boy 22 | bad boy2 (2 rows) postgres=# refresh materialized view mv_test_kenyon with no data; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres=# \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+----------------+-------------------+----------+------------+------------- public | mv_test_kenyon | materialized view | postgres | 8192 bytes | public | test_kenyon | table | postgres | 16 kB | (2 rows) postgres=# select * from mv_test_kenyon; ERROR: materialized view "mv_test_kenyon" has not been populated HINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command.使用了with no data刷新后会导致物化视图里面的数据清除干净,并使物化视图不可用,如果需要继续使用,需要使用REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name来恢复。
postgres=# drop materialized view mv_test_kenyon ; DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW postgres=# --如果有其他约束在物化视图上,需要加cascade来级联删除四、应用场景和优劣势
五 、总结
2.刷新参数with data是全量更新(replace)物化视图内容,且是默认参数;with no data会清除物化视图内容,释放物化视图所占的空间,并使物化视图不可用
六、参考: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-creatematerializedview.html http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Materialized_Views