Name | Storage Size | Description | Low Value | High Value | Resolution |
timestamp [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] | 8 bytes | both date and time (no time zone) | 4713 BC | 294276 AD | 1 microsecond / 14 digits |
timestamp [ (p) ] with time zone | 8 bytes | both date and time,with time zone | 4713 BC | 294276 AD | 1 microsecond / 14 digits |
date | 4 bytes | date (no time of day) | 4713 BC | 5874897 AD | 1 day |
time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] | 8 bytes | time of day (no date) | 00:00:00 | 24:00:00 | 1 microsecond / 14 digits |
time [ (p) ] with time zone | 12 bytes | times of day only,with time zone | 00:00:00+1459 | 24:00:00-1459 | 1 microsecond / 14 digits |
interval [ fields ] [ (p) ] | 12 bytes | time interval | -178000000 years | 178000000 years | 1 microsecond / 14 digits |
备注:这里不准备详细介绍各种类型,请注意上面表格中的[ (p) ] ,这个是什么呢?这个是指时间的精度,
time,timestamp,和 interval 类型都可以指定精度,精度的取值范围是 0 到 6, 下面通过具体
二 current_timestamp 实验
--2.1 查询 current_timestamp
skytf=> select current_timestamp; now ------------------------------- 2012-06-07 14:00:02.412827+08 (1 row) |
备注: current_timestamp 函数返回时间类型为 timestamp with time zone,故返回结果后面包括时区 +08 ,
以及精度 412827,那么如何去掉精度和时区呢?
--2.2 去掉精度
skytf=> select current_timestamp(0); timestamptz ------------------------ 2012-06-07 14:07:17+08 (1 row) |
--2.3 去掉时区
skytf=> select current_timestamp(0)::timestamp without time zone; timestamp --------------------- 2012-06-07 14:07:49 (1 row) |
--2.4 也可以用 cast 函数类型转换
skytf=> select cast (current_timestamp(0) as timestamp without time zone); timestamp --------------------- 2012-06-07 14:14:55 (1 row) |
--2.5 了解 [p] 的含义
skytf=> select current_timestamp(2)::timestamp without time zone; timestamp ------------------------ 2012-06-07 14:15:42.64 (1 row) skytf=> select current_timestamp(6)::timestamp without time zone; |
备注:可见 [p] 是指时间类型小数点后面的精度,如果 p 指定 2,则精度为2,如果 p 指定 6
则精度为 6; 所以在定义表的时候就应该事先定义 timestamp 时间类型的精度。
三 创建表测试,定义时间类型精度为0
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_p_pkey" for table "test_p"
skytf=> \d test_p
Table "skytf.test_p"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
create_time | timestamp(0) without time zone |
"test_p_pkey" PRIMARY KEY,btree (id)
skytf=> select current_timestamp;
2012-06-07 14:18:31.683105+08
(1 row)
skytf=> insert into test_p values (1,current_timestamp);
skytf=> select * from test_p; id | create_time ----+--------------------- 1 | 2012-06-07 14:19:02 (1 row)