--汉字和拼音以及拼音首字母的对照表 create table pinyin (hz varchar(1),py varchar(6),zm varchar(1)); --索引以及唯一约束,视情况怎么加 create index idx_pinyin_hz on pinyin(hz); --create unique index idx_pinyin_hz_py on pinyin(hz,py); --create unique index idx_pinyin_hz_zm on pinyin(hz,zm); --未收录汉字插入以下表 create table new_discover (hz varchar(1) primary key,zm varchar(1));
--创建输出type和函数,函数返回是数组 CREATE TYPE t_py_zm as (c1 text[],c2 text[]); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_py_zm(i_hz text) RETURNS SETOF t_py_zm AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_hz text; i int; v_sql1 text; v_sql2 text; v_sql3 text; v_sql4 text; v_sql text; v_max_id int; v_id int; BEGIN --创建临时表用来存储每个汉字和字母 set client_min_messages = warning; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp_get_py_zm (id int,zm varchar(1)) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS; truncate table tmp_get_py_zm; i := 0; --拆分输入参数为每个字符并插入到临时表里 for v_hz in select regexp_split_to_table(i_hz,'') loop if ascii(v_hz) > 255 then insert into tmp_get_py_zm select i,py,zm from pinyin where hz=v_hz; else insert into tmp_get_py_zm values(i,v_hz,v_hz); end if; if not found then perform 1 from new_discover where hz = v_hz; if not found then insert into new_discover(hz) values(v_hz); end if; insert into tmp_get_py_zm values(i,'?','?'); end if; i := i+1; end loop; select max(id) into v_max_id from tmp_get_py_zm; if v_max_id > 0 then v_sql1 := ''; v_sql3 := ''; v_sql4 := ''; v_id := 0; for v_id in select generate_series(0,v_max_id) loop if v_id <> v_max_id then v_sql1 := v_sql1||'(select py,zm from tmp_get_py_zm where id='||v_id||') as t'||v_id||','; v_sql3 := v_sql3||'t'||v_id||'.py::text||'; v_sql4 := v_sql4||'t'||v_id||'.zm::text||'; else v_sql1 := v_sql1||'(select py,zm from tmp_get_py_zm where id='||v_id||') as t'||v_id; v_sql3 := v_sql3||'t'||v_id||'.py::text'; v_sql4 := v_sql4||'t'||v_id||'.zm::text'; v_sql := 'select array_agg('||v_sql3||'),array_agg('||v_sql4||') from '||v_sql1; end if; end loop; else v_sql := 'select array_agg(py::text),array_agg(zm::text) from tmp_get_py_zm'; end if; return query execute v_sql; return; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100 ROWS 1000; ALTER FUNCTION get_py_zm(text) OWNER TO postgres; --上面这个函数比我预期的功能要强大,除了输出汉字的拼音缩写外还提供了全拼,效果如下 postgres=# select * from get_py_zm('我爱你'); c1 | c2 ----------+------- {woaini} | {wan} (1 row)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_update_pinyin() RETURNS VOID AS $BODY$ declare v_value text; i_hn text; rec record; begin --where后面的条件是筛选出不全为拼音的数据,也可以不用该条件全量更新,tmp_kenyon是我要更新的表 for rec in select num,name from tmp_kenyon where pym !~ E'[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]' and pym !~ E'[A-Z][A-Z]' loop i_hn:=rec.name; select c2[1]::text into v_value from get_py_zm(i_hn); update tmp_kenyon set pym = v_value where num = rec.num; end loop; return; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION f_update_pin() OWNER TO postgres; --调用该函数时直接使用select f_update_pin(); --如果遇到词库没有的汉字需要在new_discovery里面更新并最终补充到pinyin词库表里去pinyin词库表整理在了下面的云盘地址里,目前收录了将近7000个常用汉字,地址在: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJ6spSn 导入方式
[postgres@db1 ~]$ psql
psql (9.2.4)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \i /home/postgres/py.sql
参考: http://blog.163.com/digoal@126/blog/static/163877040201241452827379/ 原文链接:https://www.f2er.com/postgresql/195693.html