35.4.9. SQL Functions Returning TABLE
There is another way to declare a function as returning a set,which is to use the Syntax RETURNS TABLE(columns@H_403_16@)@H_403_16@. This is equivalent to using one or more OUT@H_403_16@ parameters plus marking the function as returning SETOF record@H_403_16@ (or SETOF@H_403_16@ a single output parameter's type,as appropriate). This notation is specified in recent versions of the sql standard,and thus may be more portable than using SETOF@H_403_16@.
For example,the preceding sum-and-product example could also be done this way:
CREATE FUNCTION sum_n_product_with_tab (x int) RETURNS TABLE(sum int,product int) AS $$ SELECT $1 + tab.y,$1 * tab.y FROM tab; $$ LANGUAGE sql;
It is not allowed to use explicit OUT@H_403_16@ or INOUT@H_403_16@ parameters with the RETURNS TABLE@H_403_16@ notation — you must put all the output columns in the TABLE@H_403_16@ list.
完全不是我想要的样子,我想要的是多行多列的。于是去百度使劲查,可是因为RETURNS TABLE是新功能,百度搜不到。于是我去google查,在stackoverflow里查到了一个类似的例子。http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18084936/pl-pgsql-functions-how-to-return-table-with-an-execute-statement
里面有一条回答:Are you calling function with SELECT my_function(123);
or SELECT FROM my_function(123);
太妙了!我回去试了一下,第一次我调用的方式是:SELECT list_last_bill('yhc95@outlook.com');这样返回的是单列模式,就是上图那样。
于是我换成以下调用方式:SELECT * from list_last_bill('yhc95@outlook.com');成功了!!变成多行多列了!
我又试了如下调用方式,去掉*:SELECT from list_last_bill('yhc95@outlook.com');只显示行数
说明RETURNS TABLES胜似表格,却在直接select时比表格多了一个功能——将多列压缩成一列输出。