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sql Core Distribution 核心分发 The core of the Postgre
sql object-relational database management system is available in several source and binary formats. 关系型
sql的核心,的源码和二进制形式。 Binary packages 二进制包 Pre-built binary packages are available for a number of different operating systems: 二进制预构建包对一系列操作系统可用; BSD FreeBSD OpenBSD Linux Red Hat family Linux (including CentOS/Fedora/Scientific/Oracle variants) Debian GNU/Linux and derivatives Ubuntu Linux and derivatives SuSE and OpenSuSE Other Linux Mac OS X Solaris Windows Source code The source code can be found in the main file browser or you can access the source control repository directly at git.postgre
sql.org. Instructions for building from source can be found in the documentation. 源码可以在主
sql.org上的源码仓库。从源码进行构建的介绍在文档中。 Alpha/Beta/RC Releases and development snapshots (unstable) There are source code and binary packages of beta and release candidates,and of the current development code available for testing and evaluation of new features. Note that these builds should be used for testing purposes only,and not for production systems. 有beta和发行版的源码和二进制包, http://www.postgre
sql.org/developer/ A Postgre
sql database developer is someone who is actually working on the project,not someone using it to develop an application or a website. We don't hire programmers,一个postgre