Host1 |
Host2 |
全局配置 vi /etc/profile export PGHOME=/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4 export PGUSER=pgxl export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib export PATH=$PATH:$PGHOME/bin source /etc/profile |
(same) |
建用户 groupadd pgxl useradd -d /home/pgxl -m pgxl -g pgxl -p pgxl passwd pgxl (password: pgxl) |
(same) |
打通ssh su - pgxl ssh-keygen -t rsa cat ~/.ssh/>> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys pgxl@ ssh pgxl@centos1 (测试) |
(nil) |
前置包 #For “./configure --prefix=/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4” yum install gcc yum install readline readline-devel yum install zlib zlib-devel #For “make” yum install flex |
(nil) |
解压编译,同步编译后软件包 tar -xvzf xxx.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=/opt/pgxl chown -R pgxl:pgxl /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4 zip -q -r /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4 scp pgxl@ |
cd /appl unzip -q cd /appl mv postgres-xl-9.5r1.4 /appl/ rm |
初始化 cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin ./initgtm -Z gtm -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm ./initgtm -Z gtm_proxy -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm_proxy ./initdb -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2 --nodename coord2 -E UTF8 --locale=C -U pgxl -W(设密码:pgxl) ./initdb -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2 --nodename dn2 -E UTF8 --locale=C -U pgxl -W(设密码:pgxl) |
cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin ./initdb -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1 --nodename coord1 -E UTF8 --locale=C -U pgxl -W(设密码:pgxl) ./initdb -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1 --nodename dn1 -E UTF8 --locale=C -U pgxl -W(设密码:pgxl) |
配置gtm、gtm_proxy cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm cp -p gtm.conf gtm.conf.bk vi gtm.conf ----- nodename = 'gtm' #listen_addresses = '*' port = 6666 #startup = ACT #keepalives_idle = 60 #keepalives_interval = 10 #keepalives_count = 10 ----- cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm_proxy cp -p gtm_proxy.conf gtm_proxy.conf.bk vi gtm_proxy.conf ----- nodename = 'gtm_proxy' #listen_addresses = '*' port = 6667 gtm_host = 'centos2' gtm_port = 6666 #keepalives_idle = 60 #keepalives_interval = 10 #keepalives_count = 10 |
(nil) |
配置coord里的postgresql cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2 cp -p postgresql.conf postgresql.conf.bk vi postgresql.conf ----- listen_addresses = '*' port = 5432 pooler_port = 6668 max_pool_size = 100 gtm_host = 'centos2' gtm_port = 6667 pgxc_node_name = 'coord2' ----- scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2/postgresql.conf pgxl@centos1:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1 |
cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1 vi postgresql.conf ----- pgxc_node_name = 'coord1' |
配置coord里的pg_hba cp -p pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf.bk vi pg_hba.conf ----- # IPv4(增加两行) host all all trust(允许无密登录) host all all md5(允许远程连接) ----- scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2/pg_hba.conf pgxl@centos1:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1 |
(nil) |
scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2/postgresql.conf pgxl@centos2:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2 cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2 vi postgresql.conf ----- port = 5442 pgxc_node_name = 'dn2' pooler_port = 6669 ----- scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2/postgresql.conf pgxl@centos1:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1 |
cd /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1 vi postgresql.conf ----- pgxc_node_name = 'dn1' |
配置datanode里的pg_hba scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2/pg_hba.conf pgxl@centos2:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2 scp /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2/pg_hba.conf pgxl@centos1:/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1 |
(nil) |
启动 /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/gtm_ctl start -Z gtm -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/gtm_ctl start -Z gtm_proxy -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/gtm_proxy /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/pg_ctl start -Z datanode -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn2 /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/pg_ctl start -Z coordinator -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord2 5、配置集群信息… |
/appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/pg_ctl start -Z datanode -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1 /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/bin/pg_ctl start -Z coordinator -D /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1 |
HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5442? If not,wait a few seconds and retry. WARNING: could not create listen socket for "centos2" FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets A: (1) lsof -i:5442; (2) 修改postgresql.conf中的port=xxx和listen_addresses = '*' |
WARNING: can not connect to GTM: No route to host ERROR: Could not obtain a transaction ID from GTM. The GTM might have Failed or lost connectivity A: (1) postgresql.conf 中的gtm_*配置;(2)关防火墙chkconfig iptables off,service iptables stop |
Host1 |
Host2 |
psql -p5432 postgres(协调节点,其它参数:-Upgxl -h<hostname>) select * from pgxc_node; create node coord1 with(TYPE=coordinator,HOST='centos1',PORT=5432); create node coord2 with (type=coordinator,host='centos2',port=5432); create node dn1 with (type=datanode,host='centos1',port=5442,primary,preferred); create node dn2 with (type=datanode,port=5442); select pgxc_pool_reload(); select * from pgxc_node; (alter node coord1) |
psql -p5432 postgres (same except alter node coord1) |
psql -p5442 postgres(数据节点) (same except alter node dn2) |
psql -p5442 postgres (same except alter node dn1) |
Host1 |
Host2 |
psql -p5432 postgres select * from test1; |
只能在协调节点操作,数据节点都是只读的 psql -p5432 postgres ALTER USER pgxl WITH PASSWORD 'pgxl'; create table test1(id integer,name varchar(20)); insert into test1(id,name) values(1,'xk'); commit; select * from test1; |
关闭防火墙 chkconfig iptables off(重启后生效) service iptables stop(即时生效,但重启后防火墙会再次启动) 开通权限 /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/coord1(2)/pg_hba.conf /appl/postgres-xl-9.5r1.4/DATA/dn1(2)/pg_hba.conf Java代码 String url = "jdbc:postgresql://centos2:5432/postgres"; Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver") |
\l 查看数据库 \c huarun 切换数据库 \d+ 查看所有表 \d <table>查看表结构 \q 退出 |
CREATE TABLE disttab(col1 int,col2 text) DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(col1); -- Default Hash CREATE TABLE repltab (col1 int,col2 int) DISTRIBUTE BY REPLICATION; -- 数据在单一节点 SELECT xc_node_id,count(*) FROM disttab GROUP BY xc_node_id; -- 查看数据在哪个节点 select * from pgxc_node; -- 查看节点ID对应hostname \d+ disttab -- 查看表分布式策略(“Distribute By”和“Location Nodes”) ALTER TABLE disttab ADD NODE (dn3); -- 增加存储数据节点(会redistribute tables) 参考: |
导入 psql -p5432 postgres COPY vender(sid,vender_id,vender_name,connector,created_by,created_dt,version,del_flg) from 'E:\Vendor.csv' WITH CSV HEADER; copy testdata from 'd:/test/testdata.csv' delimiter as',' csv quote as '"' |
导出 copy testdata to 'd:/test/testdata.csv' delimiteras ',' csv quote as '"' |